seed germinatoin in aerogarden


has anyone tried to get seeds to germinate in the ag. Got the pump and bubler going with no light...guess it is worth the try.. INPUT would be appreciatd:confused:


hi GETRDONE,i recently tried germinating my seeds in my airing cupboard for 3 days but nothing,so i just got the seed and placed it in the aerogarden sponge and left it,next day i had a small root so yea i think it worked,i left the setting on salad greens and turned the actually pump to number 4 i think.hope that helps


Well-Known Member
i germed my seeds in a wet paper towel between 2 plates sitting on top of a heating pad. then i put them in my ag when the tap root sprouted to about 1/4 in. warning! roots get really crazy so i would only do 1 plant at a time in the ag.