Seed Grading - How to


Active Member
What is the best way to determine good seeds from bad? I have seed from a cross between my BC Big Bud and Cheese, probably 300 seeds, and I need sort them.


Well-Known Member
Well obviously ones that are broken or underdeveloped are out of the question.

I look for seeds that are slightly larger (although I've had small seeds crack many times) and sort of a middle of the road color. Not too dark, not too light.

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
Usually a nice stripe pattern for hybrids, nicely rounded with a flat tap root zone and bigger usually means its healthier and will germ faster.


Active Member
Usually a nice stripe pattern for hybrids, nicely rounded with a flat tap root zone and bigger usually means its healthier and will germ faster.
Thanks for the quick replies. I guess the other question I have would be; how long do I let them cure or dry before using them?


Well-Known Member
Immature seeds are whiter in color. I say the darker and bigger, the better. Instead of hanging buds that have seeds, I usually just cut the buds off and put in a paper bag to dry. This way the seeds don't fall off the drying plant and get lost. When the bud is dry, the seeds are probably dry and good to go also. While the buds from a seeded plant aren't as good, they aren't bad either. Don't throw it out.

With a seeded plant, it can take longer to mature. Ideally you want to see many seed pods popping open with visible dark seeds before you harvest. It can take awhile longer to finish.


Well-Known Member
seeds take from 4 to 6 weeks to mature

how long did yours go from pollenation to chop down

i normally leave seeded branch the full 6 week term seeds get priorty over bud just for that branch

i was once a two time loser bud was seeded so it was weaker and seeds did not mature before i choped it down

and dark seeds are majority but some genes do lighter seeds

dry bud easer to remove seeds

seeded bud will be at about 85 or 90 percent of unseeded

small discard weather baige or green or whatever

large with a lighter color could still be good with a lesser germ rate give them to someone not to special to you

ggod luck
keep em green


Well-Known Member
what i do is hold the seed between my thumb and my index finger and apply light pressure - if it cracks, no good.