Seed or Calyx


New Member
I've snipped 2 off. 1 was empty and the other had a little tiny black soft thing inside! These are 12 week old feminised northern lights. Anyone help?


New Member
just opened a few more hard to get pics of them cause there so small. What do you think ? 2013-07-15 22.35.32.jpg2013-07-15 22.36.39.jpg2013-07-15 22.39.21.jpg reckon there seeds myself after looking at these ones


New Member
how long have they bin flowering depending on the strain but if u keep them past the thier time they will develop hermie seeds becuase its tring to repoduce before she leaves this world


Well-Known Member
You have seeds. Go into your grow room while its dark and close it behind you, make sure you can't see shit and there are no light leaks. On the other hand it could be you opening it when it's in dark cycle or heat. Have you found any male flowers?


Well-Known Member
I got seeds on my first grow due to some light leaks and heat stress only had 1 fricking banana and it was really hard to find it was underneath one of the small popcorn bud's with that being said the bud turned out to be great just had some seed's about 12 or so in total. Good luck to you and happy growing