Seed packs

Incidentally, the female (or seed-bearing plant in the case of feminised crosses) is always listed first, with the male last
If you take this approach, make sure to label each branch or flower with the specific cross. In breeding terminology, the female plant typically goes first in the naming convention.

jimmi is corect
Just to play devils advocate
for some reason the biology community never cared about it. I think it's because they are

reciprocal cross:
a paired cross in which the respective traits of the male and female in one cross become the respective traits of the female and male in the other cross

Gegor Mendel's pea experiment he didn't care.
That's the scientists calling us stupid, it doesn't matter how you order the parents because they are reciprocal.

I looked for some other examples and found Liger and Tigons.
... offspring of a male lion and a female tiger. The reverse cross, called a Tigon, is the offspring of a male tiger and a lioness.

I personally like Mother x Father and that's what i do, but if some wild name came up in my noggin that sounded the most awesome using Father name first like Tigon yeah i'll break accepted norms.
Im sure it goes father then female or reversed male then female in the case of fems well should be i think less people do it the old way these days