seed question.


Active Member
I was wondering if someone knew what the green layer inside the seedshell is. If you remowe the shell, what will remowing this green thin tissue be? Is it important for the seed?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
sorry if I'm not understanding your post.....please correct me if I'm wrong....but are you dissecting your seeds and asking if you can remove bits and pieces of it without impacting the overall performance of the said seed?



Its part of the pericarp and sometimes when you manually remove the shell there is a little of it left on the seedling that binds the cotyledons together. You sometimes have to remove it to get the cotyledons to open up. Don't use your fingers use a clean toothpick or something like that. Be careful not to damage the shoot apex or your plant may only have 2 leaves until it dies.


I can imagine anything inside of the seed being utilized during germination. Not sure why you'd do such a thing but Im pretty sure it's harmful


Active Member
Ty heathen :) That was exactly what i was looking for.

Indoor sun king: sometimes you have to dissect someting to find out how things work :P