Seed site recomendations?


Active Member
I am currently half way though my first crop and i used seeds i found in sevral bags and there doing quite well. However im really interested in growing specific insane strains but ive never ordered seeds online and im kinda nervous about it. I live in Wisconsin in the US and i was just wondering if any sites would still ship to me and if there are any dangers in ordering marijuana seeds online i dont wanna get busted. Also could anyone recommend the top sites to order from that have the best prices and quality seeds?


Well-Known Member
from what I have seen on these fourms dr chronic (just google the name) is one of the best... and carry some great strains from reputable seed company's.. they are a seed bank... search dr. chronic in these fourms..


Well-Known Member
Check out this place it will give you listing of banks and their ratings ... and don't be nervous about ordering on line ... there is a small risk of losing them in the mail, but that the extent of it ... I just orders some seeds from Peekseeds last week ... I feel confident that I will receive them with no problems ... before Heaven Stairway was shut down by the Canadian LEO I order seeds from him with no problems ... now you can have the finest strains of pot thanks to the internet ... :clap:


Active Member
My first seed order ever was from highgrade-seeds. I sent cash the end of April and got my NL#5 less than a week later. I can't comment on their strains, because it'll be a while before I have any bud.

My next order will be from DrChronic, though. Looking to get some Diesel Ryder or some other potent autoflowerer. Autoflowerers seem perfect for outdoor growing in Central/South Florida. Hell, you could practically grow them in your front yard in between some landscaping and no one would know the difference. LOL


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend

I been goin to them for just over a year now and have bought over 500 britsh pounds from him and had no trouble with my packages. All packages come in the original breeder packs. packages come 5 to 7 business days(usually 6 days to eastern canada)

They still ship to the states never mind the big red bold letters on the top right of the site. Its the same thing as almost everyone here saying "whatever I say here is bullshit blah blah blah underneath there posts. Its just to cover his ass.

Hope that helps.

P.S. the dope-seeds seedline is really good quality also, I have grown/growing all of his strains except the thai x Haze because I have no interest for it.