Seed too deep in peat pellet?


Active Member
Hey all,

So recently I've germinated 3 seeds. Shot glass/paper towel method. Tap roots weren't huge but I was excited and planted them in peat pellets soon as I saw the tap root. It's been 7 days and no sign of life from peat pellets. I started 3 new ones just in case but just now I decided to lightly remove the top of the peat pellet soil with a toothpick.

All 3 have long tap roots but I've realized that I planted them really deep. 1 of them in particular is growing all weird. It looks like the tap root started to grow down then turned and started to grow up. It's literally right below breaking ground. One of the others is still really far from the surface. Half inch maybe a little less? But I can see the husk and a healthy looking tap root beneath it.

Should I just leave all three of these go and hope all goes well or is there anything I should do to help these ladies?


Well-Known Member
If you using peat pellets you don't need to do the paper towel method. What I do is soak the seeds for 24 hours in a 25% peroxide solution, then place the seeds in Jiffy peat pellets. You just need to place them deep enough to cover the seed. I usually have 100% germination within about three days. Using the paper towel method you probably damaging the root trying to get them in the pellets, not good. As soon as mine break the pellets I place them in their pot/cup because that tap root is going to want to shoot down out the bottom of the pellet. Hope this helps. bongsmilie