Seedling: 6cm stem, small leafs! Replant?


Hey all,

My seedling is about a week old. Despite a promising start, it now seems that only the stem wants to grow. The initial 4 leafs are open, with the rounded leafs being larger than the pointy leafs. The pointy leafs don't seem to want to grow any more. the stem is currently 6cm tall, give or take a mm or two.

It seems the stem is stretching and not much else is happening, although the seedling looks in good condition with nice green colouring, a waxy leaf appearance and very fine bristly white hairs on the steam and leaf.

Here's a terrible MSPaint representation of my seedling, as I don't have a camera at the moment:


I have a new light coming in about 6 days, but I think that's still plenty of time to damage the seedling if it continues to grow this way. So for 6 days I'll be without a decent growing light.

I'm thinking of gently transplanting my seedling to a fresh pot of soil and burying about 2-3cm of the stem in the new soil. Then I'll place it in a gently heated propagator and just use daylight to grow it whilst I wait for my new grow light to arrive.

I'm paranoid as this is my first grow and I only managed to acquire 1 seed, which sprouted to the seedling in question - so I din't want to mess this up. Does this seem a good solution?

Edit: I decided to just go ahead and replant the seedling and buried approx. 2cm of the stem in the new pot. Stupidly, I think I might have ripped some root threads which can't be good - didn't realise that such a small and delicate seedling would have such a strong root network going on. Here's hoping it pulls through and no stem rot occurs.


I'm a newbie too, but I think you were wise to replant.
Two things I suspect that is wrong with your present set up (I experienced some growth stoppage recently as well).
I'd say the stretching is because the light is too far away.
And the stunted growth is from either over watering, or your soil is not draining enough, which is essentially overwatering.
If the soil you transplanted it to is the same soil and it is too heavy, you might want to replant it in some lighter soil.
Add some perlite or coco and pea gravel to lighten it up and allow some O2 to the roots.
A week ago my soil was so complacted and wet that I almost lost my seeds I bought from the NL.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i would replant and cover up with soil the stem and give it more light. u need more light that is y it is stretching. It is searching for it. so give her some lights lower them. If u are doing cfls put them like 3-4 inch above the plant :) and u will start to see it grow normal and start getting nodes and what not :P


I also added H2O2 to my water as some of the roots were starting to rot from lack of O2.
Apparently, H2O2 is very unstable and an extra O2 molecule is often released to promote root health, plus it helps clean away the necrotic roots.
H2O2 naturally occurs in rain drops as they fall to the earth and for a short time after it rains it can be found in rain water.
So, in small doses it can be beneficial to roots.
But, read up on it before you decide to try it if you do.
That's what I did. I found lots of info on the web.