seedling distance


Well-Known Member
if i am planting some seedlings outdoors, how far apart should they be? i want like 1 plant per hole that ive dug, so do i plant like 2 or 3 and hope 1 is female, what do i do?


Well-Known Member
i dont even put my seed in soil first i put them in a shot glass with water out in the sun early in the morning,oh yeah make sure its either distilled or bottled water. bring them in at sun down check if any have cracked the shell if so put the ones that are open in to the soil that way you know if its going to grow. repeat till all are done good luck.:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
i dont mean like incase they dont germ. i will germ the paper towel way, but should i put multiple seedlings close to each other (in a 2x2 hole i dug) under the assumtion that some will be male?


Active Member
Do not compleately submerege your seed in H2O. Do the papertowel in a ziplock bag method. Also i would not plant the seed directly in the ground i would plant it in a 5 gallon bucket with holes cut in the bottom and a few in the sides and then dig down and set it into the ground if you really want it in the ground. The roots will go through the holes if you are growing it huge. And if you need to move it for any reason it will be very easy, instead of covering it with a sheet or chopping it.


Well-Known Member
dude what are you talking about i have used this method every time it has the highest rate of success. the paper towel method never worked for me and i heard it takes a couple of days. my method usually has them ready that same afternoon, rookness dont knock it till you tryed it


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its actually best if you just use clones so you dont waste time and contaminate a grow are.Take your small rooted clones and plant them in the holes. You know know you have females dont have to wait and hope and you wont have a male seeding every plant in a 5 mile radius

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put more than one plant in a single hole. If they turn out to be female they will be to big to seperate them if they turn out to be females. The root systems will be fighting for the nutes and the canapoys will be competing for light. Plant them 1 per hole at least 2 perferably 3 feet apart. If you want to garentee females start them inside under cfl's in 12/12 after 3 weeks and get rid of the males. Plant the females aouside and the sun will force them back to veg......