Seedling help, please!


Active Member
Well, I tried to germ these seeds inside with the paper towel method. About 3 weeks went by and they didn't germ, so I decided to plant them outside not really thinking they would grow. Well, about 4 days ago I went and checked and I saw that they did sprout. So, I dug them up, put them in cups and brought them in (at this time there were 2, one that looked healthy and one that looked...kinda...dead). Well, the day after the one that looked dead really died, fell over and dried up. I put them under a CFL light, with a fan. Well, recently my healthy one's leaves decided one of the leaves wanted to move straight up. Now, I'm not talking about curling, it just moved straight up (they still have their first set of leaves). Well, I came to check on it today after I came home, and the tips started to get a darker green color and started to curl a very little. Also, one of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. There is still new growth in the middle, but it hasn't completely came in yet. I have not used any nutes, and the last time I watered it was yesterday and before that it was watered by rain water from outside the day I found it. Any help would be appreciated, I will post pictures later.

Btw, I can't get too close of a picture, my camera is quite fuzzy.


Active Member
Also, the water I did water it with was rain water that I have collected... Since I heard rainwater was close to the perfect PH and I do not have a PH meter yet.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you may have just stressed them out like crazy by planting them outside and then right when they grew digging them up and moving them. plants should be transplanted as little as possible. only once is optimal.

surprised they didnt germinate. were the seeds brown? cause if they are more white or green looking they typically dont tend to grow/germ well!