I agree on the be patient thing, but keep an eye on those roots. The roots will tell you what to do.
I agree about NOT leaving the baby plants in the rapid rooters. They will hold too much water, so I thiink you did good on that. I never use any medium in my systems - just bare roots. I start my seeds similarly to you, but I use mini hempy buckets - just dixie cups filled with perlite with small holes about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom. After one week +- in the cups, they go into the system - basically as soon as there is enough stem for the foam puck to hold on to.
You wont see much if any top side growth until the roots start growing strongly. In my experience, the top side doesnt grow much at all until the roots get well established, and adjusted to the new environment. As mentioned before, that takes a good week or so +-.
I have noticed that the top sides dont start really rapid growth until the roots reach the bottom of the chamber. Im not sure why, but that has been my experience. They should reach the bottom pretty quickly once things take off. I usually see at least one and often two or more different shoots go straight for the bottom while the upper parts decide if they want to grow more sideways. It will depend on your system flow rate and how wet the roots are, mist density etc.
Roots that have large drops held on the very tip are the ones that go to the bottom. Those drops weigh the root down and the root then thinks it has found water and grows that direction - sometimes. Roots can be contrary, and grow UP instead of down or even in circles. If you are over misting early on - which you should be - then your roots will be over wet and have large drops. That should guarantee at least some go straight down.
Depending on the depth of your chamber that can be pretty fast. My root chamber is about 29" deep and it generally takes two to three weeks for the roots to get to the bottom. As you reduce the flow rate, they will begin to spread out and turn fuzzy. Thats when the balancing act begins where you try to find that Goldilocks mist density and flow rate for your system.
I start my seeds out soaking in plane un-PHed tap water. Once they are in the hempy's, I start them on about 200-300 PPM PH'ed to 5.8. My tap is under 100PPM most of the time. I use Jacks 321 hydro with no other additives. Over the next week I slowly increase the PPM to about 300-400 or an EC of 0.8EC. Thats the EC I generally start at in the system. That way they start in the system at the same PH and EC they were at in the hempy's. Thats two less things to adjust to.
After they get into the system, I will adjust EC up/down depending on what the leaves look like. I rarely get over 0.8, but I did have one strain that liked closer to 1.2, so it is strain dependent.
Post some details, pics of your system. Im curios how you have it set up - # and type of nozzles, size of root chamber, # of plants, etc etc. Im always interested to see how others do it. I get some of my best ideas from other people