Seedling Question

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
I'm attempting my second grow. My first try was outdoor and it went fairly well until the cold and rain came, and then I ended up losing a lot of it to mold. So now I'm trying my hand at indoor. I wanted to do this without having to ask for help, but here we are.

I started three Purple Kush from Crop King Seeds. They all germinated quickly, and also grew out of the soil fairly quickly after I planted them. They grew nicely for about two days after that, but have since completely stopped growing. I don't mean they're growing slowly, I mean they are not growing at all. The only thing that makes me think they might still have a chance is that I can see nice white roots peeking out the holes in the bottom of the cups where I didn't see any roots yesterday.

These are now eight days old and haven't grown even a little bit above the dirt since about the second day. So it's been almost a week of zero growth. I've been giving them water only when the soil dries out. They're under two T5's - one 54 watt and one 23 watt, which are about an inch and a half away from the plants, but not hot at all. The temperature in the room ranges between 21C to 25C. Humidity is a bit low at times, usually between 40% - 50%. The soil I'm using is THIS, which is exactly what I used last time and they seemed to love it.

I was going to keep them under the T5's until they were a bit bigger and then put them in the tent under my 600w MH, but they just aren't getting any bigger. Should I transplant, or would that be risky since they seem to be stunted? Could they just be working strictly on growing roots before growing above the dirt?

The one on the left with the twisted leaves has been twisted since it sprouted, and the soil looks wet because I just put a bit of water in there before taking the pictures. P1030913.JPG P1030914.JPG P1030912.JPG

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Also, you can't really tell from these pictures, but the brown spots and leaves you can see mostly on the one plant are actually purple. It just looks brown in the pics. I know this can be a sign of being too cold, but the temperature never goes below 20C in this room, so I don't know what's up with that.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings really don't grow much the first two weeks so maybe it is nothing. That said, the color on them looks off and they don't look real happy. They need very little so I would be suspicious of that soil. Maybe fine for larger plants but your seedlings don't seem to be digging it. I'd try going with a seedling soil mix next time and see if your results get better. You need to ride this one out and see if they improve.


Well-Known Member
I'd move the lights higher until you get some more true leaves. The last one's cots look like they got fried from heat.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Your mix is to hot and you fried them. Start seedlings in something without nutrients. Then again I grow hydro not soil. But they look burnt to me. Keep them AWAY from a metal halide right now and under that T5 and make sure they get a sleep cycle. I'd re-pot into a less hot mix.

I hope you don't lose them. But that's how you learn trial and error so do not feel at all bad. If you aren't killing plants you are not trying hard enough :)



Well-Known Member
I see hot soil damage. What soil are you using? Wait, don't tell me. Fox Farms Ocean Forest? Some other bagged organic soil mix?

I've had similar results from starting seeds in hot soil but they pulled through and grew into big healthy plants that I still take clones from for over 4 years now. Mine looked much worse than this too. They should be able to make it but don't water them anymore than a tiny bit at a time from now on. Those nutrients are sorta water activated in a way. The more water you add, the hotter it's going to get nutrient-wise.


Well-Known Member
Yup other guys said it hot soil

Try just water and hope they pull out. (Edit) like he said if you got pellets in there the water might make it hotter just mist with water if thats the case:)

as curious said
this is all learning we have all boobed up here and there
but now you know
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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yup other guys said it hot soil

Try just water and hope they pull out. (Edit) like he said if you got pellets in there the water might make it hotter just mist with water if thats the case:)

as curious said
this us all learning we gave all boobed up here and there
but now you know

OH man can I tell you how bad I screwed the pooch! That's why I know precisely how to take out thrips. I lost my entire winter table of some pretty valuable (to me), genetics last year. 29 trees they were in week three/four flower at about 5' in height when, as usual, the thrips came on (we are endemic for them locally).

Anyway I tried every other measure I could find including BT (over and over). Finally @cannabineer and I decided instead of Spinosad to drench them in dish detergent. Now mind you I come from medicine and CN from chemistry (as in he teaches that shit), so I queried him on the LD50 for this.

He enthusiastically yadders on how there is no LD50 for this specific detergent. So I am pissed, everything BT etc... was failing and I was looking to nuke them. So into my 15 gallon res I dump about 3 cups of this detergent! ROFLMAO!! I have this blue syrup! So I ask CN again are you SURE there is no LD50? Oh gawd (I was stoned at the time), that is my only defense....

So I turn on the pump and hose down my plants with blue syrup! There is still a shit load left in the res and I simply shut off lights and walked out. That evening I came back to check on the progress and opened my flower room door, that overlooked the open bannister to the landing below...... and I swear to god a ceiling high WAVE of blue suds SHOOTS out the door and runs down the stairwell! You see I had not shut off my aeration equipment. So it built bubbles all day (I'd turned off the lights and fans! LOL).

I'm so stupid I did not even jump out of the way.... I was engulfed! But knowing there was no LD50 for detergent I ran in to look at my dying plants...... I mechanically asphyxiated them! It was a killing field. It took me a week before I could get that fucking mess cleaned up.

Anyway @Dr.Who I apologize for sounding like such a twat but that's why. I'm in PTSD therapy over thrips :)


Well-Known Member
OH man can I tell you how bad I screwed the pooch! That's why I know precisely how to take out thrips. I lost my entire winter table of some pretty valuable (to me), genetics last year. 29 trees they were in week three/four flower at about 5' in height when, as usual, the thrips came on (we are endemic for them locally).

Anyway I tried every other measure I could find including BT (over and over). Finally @cannabineer and I decided instead of Spinosad to drench them in dish detergent. Now mind you I come from medicine and CN from chemistry (as in he teaches that shit), so I queried him on the LD50 for this.

He enthusiastically yadders on how there is no LD50 for this specific detergent. So I am pissed, everything BT etc... was failing and I was looking to nuke them. So into my 15 gallon res I dump about 3 cups of this detergent! ROFLMAO!! I have this blue syrup! So I ask CN again are you SURE there is no LD50? Oh gawd (I was stoned at the time), that is my only defense....

So I turn on the pump and hose down my plants with blue syrup! There is still a shit load left in the res and I simply shut off lights and walked out. That evening I came back to check on the progress and opened my flower room door, that overlooked the open bannister to the landing below...... and I swear to god a ceiling high WAVE of blue suds SHOOTS out the door and runs down the stairwell! You see I had not shut off my aeration equipment. So it built bubbles all day (I'd turned off the lights and fans! LOL).

I'm so stupid I did not even jump out of the way.... I was engulfed! But knowing there was no LD50 for detergent I ran in to look at my dying plants...... I mechanically asphyxiated them! It was a killing field. It took me a week before I could get that fucking mess cleaned up.

Anyway @Dr.Who I apologize for sounding like such a twat but that's why. I'm in PTSD therapy over thrips :)
I'd love to see a picture of that blue bubble wave! That's brutal.


Active Member
just use the 600 watt mh.
no need to waste your time with the little lights.

Make damn sure you dont over water and make sure you PH your water
What soil did you use?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'd love to see a picture of that blue bubble wave! That's brutal.
I was laughing AND crying at the same time. My husband was trying to figure out wtf had just eaten his wife alive and like any good man that has seen The Blob he was running in the opposite direction! LOL (for the shop vac to be honest). On a good note my stairway carpet has never been cleaner.

Oh and I dropped all the C99 seeds I'd been hoarding and I'm still high from that shit. So tragedy got me this:

Sort of hard to bitch but I do my best :D


Well-Known Member
I was laughing AND crying at the same time. My husband was trying to figure out wtf had just eaten his wife alive and like any good man that has seen The Blob he was running in the opposite direction! LOL (for the shop vac to be honest). On a good note my stairway carpet has never been cleaner.

Oh and I dropped all the C99 seeds I'd been hoarding and I'm still high from that shit. So tragedy got me this:
View attachment 3296197

Sort of hard to bitch but I do my best :D
All's well that ends well! May your harvest never be quite the same, tho. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Does anyone want to show some science based evidence about fox farm being too, "hot" and explain the specific conditions which you claim make fox farm ocean forest hot? Because if someone can, (trust me the science isn't there, we are talking basic biology and soil science here), but if you'd like to take a shot at proving that fox farm is too hot of a mix, then I will gladly start 100 seeds from no less than 10 different plants, vegetables, and herb, and photograph how 90-95% of them germinate and grow to be perfectly healthy seedlings. Let's start backing some of these allegations up folks, cause your filling up the Internet with untruths. Unlike the majority of folks who hate on Fox farm soil, I will be able to back my data up with dates, times, high and lows temperatures, humidity, light wattage and color temperature, and how much water to the ml. So, does any body have real data about there comments? See yall in the lab.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone want to show some science based evidence about fox farm being too, "hot" and explain the specific conditions which you claim make fox farm ocean forest hot? Because if someone can, (trust me the science isn't there, we are talking basic biology and soil science here), but if you'd like to take a shot at proving that fox farm is too hot of a mix, then I will gladly start 100 seeds from no less than 10 different plants, vegetables, and herb, and photograph how 90-95% of them germinate and grow to be perfectly healthy seedlings. Let's start backing some of these allegations up folks, cause your filling up the Internet with untruths. Unlike the majority of folks who hate on Fox farm soil, I will be able to back my data up with dates, times, high and lows temperatures, humidity, light wattage and color temperature, and how much water to the ml. So, does any body have real data about there comments? See yall in the lab.
Just my personal experience, but I have found the seeds started in FFOF sometimes do fine and sometimes go through an overfertilized stage as I would define by downward clawed leaf tips. I don't know that I've lost one so they do seem to be able to grow through it, but I believe it sets them back a bit. So I like FFOF and will use it, but I won't start seeds in it anymore or use it for seedling stage. I would prefer to see your test done with many different strains of MJ rather than many different plants since this a marijuana forum. Good luck! I will read your results with interest and could certainly change my opinion if you bring the data.


Well-Known Member
Who made the fox farm claim I missed it .

but I have heard people cut it with other soils

but im hydro now so I cant comment

but I all but guarantee that whatever the op used was "hot"


Ursus marijanus
OH man can I tell you how bad I screwed the pooch! That's why I know precisely how to take out thrips. I lost my entire winter table of some pretty valuable (to me), genetics last year. 29 trees they were in week three/four flower at about 5' in height when, as usual, the thrips came on (we are endemic for them locally).

Anyway I tried every other measure I could find including BT (over and over). Finally @cannabineer and I decided instead of Spinosad to drench them in dish detergent. Now mind you I come from medicine and CN from chemistry (as in he teaches that shit), so I queried him on the LD50 for this.

He enthusiastically yadders on how there is no LD50 for this specific detergent. So I am pissed, everything BT etc... was failing and I was looking to nuke them. So into my 15 gallon res I dump about 3 cups of this detergent! ROFLMAO!! I have this blue syrup! So I ask CN again are you SURE there is no LD50? Oh gawd (I was stoned at the time), that is my only defense....

So I turn on the pump and hose down my plants with blue syrup! There is still a shit load left in the res and I simply shut off lights and walked out. That evening I came back to check on the progress and opened my flower room door, that overlooked the open bannister to the landing below...... and I swear to god a ceiling high WAVE of blue suds SHOOTS out the door and runs down the stairwell! You see I had not shut off my aeration equipment. So it built bubbles all day (I'd turned off the lights and fans! LOL).

I'm so stupid I did not even jump out of the way.... I was engulfed! But knowing there was no LD50 for detergent I ran in to look at my dying plants...... I mechanically asphyxiated them! It was a killing field. It took me a week before I could get that fucking mess cleaned up.

Anyway @Dr.Who I apologize for sounding like such a twat but that's why. I'm in PTSD therapy over thrips :)
Whoops i think I quoted you the LD 5150 by mistake :oops: :joint::bigjoint:

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
I've never used Fox Farms. This soil is organically fertilized with fish. I used it on my last seedlings and they did very well. There is a link in the original post.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying all Fox Farms in general, just Ocean Forest. If you don’t understand the concept of soil being too hot for seedlings, than I don't really care to convince you otherwise. You're the one claiming I am wrong. Why don't you show the data to support your case since you're the one challenging my claim? I'm not going to waste my time doing your research just to get you to see the truth. Do it yourself. I couldn't care less of what a stranger on the internet thinks of my statements.

And btw, I don't hate Fox Farms soil at all. I don't use it anymore, but it's a great soil for a beginner. I can't help but think my comment may have sparked a nerve to get you angry. There is no need to defend FF to some stranger on the internet man. The science is there. I'm not going to hand it to you on a silver platter. Show your own undeniable evidence and I will be happy to retract my previous statement. Until then, I have had plenty of experience with Fox Farms and I've seen it for myself. I've seen side by side comparisons and the Ocean Forest planted seeds were burned all to hell, while the sprouts planted in the lighter soil thrived beautifully right next to them. Also, I have read plenty enough literature to be convinced of the validity of my beliefs.

Either way, your attitude and the manner in which you confront somebody about providing false information is counter-productive to your cause. All I do is share my experience and knowledge that I have picked up through experience, in an attempt to increase collective knowledge and success. If you have scientific evidence to prove the things I have learned to be wrong, then share it so we can all benefit from it's enlightenment. No need to start casting stones. It just makes the condition of the internet shittier as a whole. Prove me wrong and move along.

Prove me wrong and I'll happily digress.