seedling taproot broken?


Active Member
I was getting very antsy about my seedlings germinating. Obviously when people say the seeds should pop in 24 hours, they don't mean a strapping lady standing up and smiling at you. But with me being a rookie, I thought just that... I was checking to see if there was any growing going on in my jiffy pellets, so I dug them up and looked at them.

(side track) The previous day I dug them up and did a little scarification with sand paper. I got so happy with one seed, that by the time I stopped to look, it had filed down a little past the nutrient coat.

(back to main story) So in looking at the seeds, I noticed that the seeds were beginning to split on the sides, and had a little bit of a tail protruding. The one I went crazy on with the sand paper had a monster noodle for just 24 hours, it was at least 7-8 mm long. I was satisfied with that one, but in the ignorance of action I pushed the seed root first into the dirt, breaking the taproot on the way down. I'm not sure if the seed can recover, but hoping for the best. I've had similar things happen with other herbs and plants as well. they all pulled through but cannabis is a special plant. Any suggestions?


Active Member
I really wish I'd've left them alone now though. If it does grow back at all, it'll take a long time for veg growth to get on track :(


next time germ them, and have some damn patience. it'll sprout when ready. i have quality seeds that didn't pop for a week, thought they were duds and left em, and they turned out perfectly fine! there ain't no rushing nature.


Active Member
Some reassuring posts. The other seeds are doing awesome as well, all of them have sprouted a taproot and split the shells completely. If you look closely at the peat pellets, you can see that the seeds have pushed upward and you can see them trying to get that outter shell off. I went ahead and removed some of the ones that would come off easily enough to where I wouldn't risk any damage in pulling it off. Will post a pic tomorrow when I see them peeking.