

Active Member
Hi I'm new to this whole grow scene and to these forums. I'm about to start my first small grow in a 4x4 room.

I had a seed I kept from a God's Gift nug which is probably crossed with something unknown at this time. How ever I just germinated the seed but I have not set up my hydro system yet. I plan on starting either areoponics or bubbleponics with in the next day or two.

My problem... My seed has already sprouted and is about a inch sprouted already. All the hydro shops in my area are closed for today. Should I throw it in soil for now? Or wait for tomorrow to get rockwool? I understand I need to soak rockwool in to neuts for 24 hours before adding the seedling. Any suggestions would be great. seedling.jpg

Thanks! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
If it'll only be 2 days until you get the rockwool ready, I'd just keep it moist, and wait. It is ready to be placed in a medium, but since you're going hydro, I don't see the need to get soil involved. That'll just add the risk of damaging the taproot, when you transfer it. :)


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the reply, really appreciate it! :) Yeah it will be 2 days max to have the rock wool ready to go. Sounds like I'll be okay then. whew.


Well-Known Member
That sounds better, how did you do that?

Beware! If that worked well, everybody would be doing it, by now. :wink:

P.S. Be careful with the nutes, because it's easy to damage freshly-sprouted seedlings. Personally, I'd avoid it, until it has it's first set of true leaves. Mother Nature provides them with enough food to get that far, by theirselves.


Active Member
some advice for ya buddy dont germ untill your setup is ready.;-) but mistakes only make you better...


Active Member
Yeah I goofed up on germing already. If it dies I'll have to run to the club for some clones. Thanks for the advice I won't add neuts till I a few leaves at least. :) Going to the store today to get the basics. Then heading to wallmart to get the rest.