Seedlings curling after only initial watering


New Member
Hi everyone.
I'm on my second grow, with the first one being full of experience building troubles. I've germinated and planted 4 seeds, and they are about a week old. As you can see, the leaves are curling down pretty hard. From my last grow, this is the classic sign of overwatering. I did that a lot my first grow. But I only watered it once when they were planted, and when I stick my finger in the soil, it feels very dry. Could it be too much light? I am running 24 hr, but only with 4 26W CFLs. Also, I pHed my water to about 6.5 before watering. It is about a 3.5:1 soil : pearlite mix. Any ideas? It's slightly unnerving. Also, I believe this is a G13 hybrid thatDSC_1296.JPG I am trying.
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Well-Known Member
To much light, back the lights off like 2 inches and change it from 24 hours to 18 until they get to be 2-3 weeks old. The way you have your set up should be fine for most plants, but its clear they don't like it. This is just what I would do.