Seedlings falling over? Help


Well-Known Member
Your light is WAY too far away, they are stretching.. not good... Plant them babes in 6" containers individually, and bring the light much closer.. Maybe 4 inches away or less if your running flourescent lighting..

A small oscillating fan on a low setting will also help in making the stem strong.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Also, it would be better to change your light schedule to 18/6.. gives the plant to time recuperate, and much better for root growth.


Well-Known Member
They look stretched, move lights closer and hold them up with some toothpicks or something


Well-Known Member
What type of light is it, seems like you might need more light or something else is going on


Fluorescent 48" T12 plant light, I thought it might be to much, but its been 6 days. Was going to start the 18/6 tonight