Seedlings help please!yellow and tips are burn yellowy

phenix white

Active Member
well im so puzzled because i started my seedlings(Pyramid's Northern Lights and Koma Kush) in mid october, doing a closet grow here with temps ranging between 71-89 degrees 3 fans on for the plants 1 for the heat and 1 blowing the old air out,they seem to be slow growing since id say they are well a month old...Every since they popd' and started growing the very first set of leaves is yellowing ok, and on some edges of the leaves they are getting a whiteish burnt tip...the edges to look at pics please.. Ok the yellowing started in the beginning before nutes i started a weak half teaspoon of earth juice grow after the 3rd week..but the condition seems to be worsening..??? i need some help solving and correcting this issue please help.
the plants seem to dry apon the 3rd day after watering so im watering every 3rd
day. useing cfl's about 12 of tem diffrent wattage.

phenix white

Active Member
CIMG0428.jpgCIMG0427.jpgCIMG0431.jpgCIMG0426.jpgCIMG0430.jpgCIMG0429.jpg i feed them there earth juice and i added egg sheels and a dose of blackstrap mollassess this whats up with my plants? why they yellowing??


over fertilization, imbalanced ph, and maybe fungus.

are you ph'ing your water? dechlorinating it? i wouldn't feed seedlings any nutes whatesoever so long as there's some nutrients in the soil (which any base soil has). for fungus i'd recomend 1 part h202 (3%) to 5 parts water.

as for the molasses, your plants really dont need a carb/sugar boost until the flowering stages, so right now you really only adding to your waters ppm which doesn't help an overferted seedling.

i don't know about the eggshells either. in theory i can see how it would add some much needed calcium but i think in the long run it would throw your ph out of whack, unless your fighting acidic soil. let me quantify by saying i have never experimented with eggshells myself so i can only speculate.

start feeding them distilled water and or continue to feed with dechlorinated tap, 6.4 ph, with 1:5 peroxide solution. if you live in a big city you might need to boil your water down to lower your ppm. i would back off the nutes completely. what kind of dirt are you rocking by the way?

phenix white

Active Member
i read that after 3 weeks Earth Juice Organic grow would be fine to start adding but who knows?..i have never encounterd a fungus i have incesticide,fungicide treatment for them..but havent add'd it ok well i will use straight water for few more waterings see how it goes. the eggsheel wouldnt afect the ph either..the water has been purified bottled water i always use it . but yea i can get distilled if thats better? and ill lay off nutes for now and mollassess


distilled water can be good for an over fert flush cause it has a ppm of 0. i guess i didn't realize your girls were at 3 weeks, you're right its usually okay to feed around 3-4 weeks, but they look pretty stunted for being that old - are they getting enough light? i think the minimum with cfls is 40 watts per plant, and thats assuming the light is placed about 3-4 inches from the leafs. here's a pic of a 2 week old girl i started from seed (feminized ghs big bang) and i'm still another 2 weeks away from introducing any nutes to her. she only gets dechlorinated tap water, ph'd at 6.4 and i bring the ppm up to around 130 and add 1/5 part h202 for fungus prevention and oxygenation; this is nothing new, taken right out of rosenthal's handbook, i'm not nearly smart enough to figure all this stuff out on my own.

1122101511.jpg i'd guess that she's around 2 1/2 inches tall.

phenix white

Active Member
yea i got 12 cfl's 2 75 watts,the others are 23 watts,40watts ect..i have my 15owatt hps but i havent fired it up yet, let them start out good and yea the cflsput off hell of heat the grow space is 1 ft width and 2 ft tall..this is a temporary setup i will be doing a better set up in 3-4 days from heat could have been an issue right?

phenix white

Active Member
CIMG0433.jpgok heres what it looks like my set up CIMG0432.jpg also i have 15 cfls sorry lol!!!
distilled water can be good for an over fert flush cause it has a ppm of 0. i guess i didn't realize your girls were at 3 weeks, you're right its usually okay to feed around 3-4 weeks, but they look pretty stunted for being that old - are they getting enough light? i think the minimum with cfls is 40 watts per plant, and thats assuming the light is placed about 3-4 inches from the leafs. here's a pic of a 2 week old girl i started from seed (feminized ghs big bang) and i'm still another 2 weeks away from introducing any nutes to her. she only gets dechlorinated tap water, ph'd at 6.4 and i bring the ppm up to around 130 and add 1/5 part h202 for fungus prevention and oxygenation; this is nothing new, taken right out of rosenthal's handbook, i'm not nearly smart enough to figure all this stuff out on my own.

View attachment 1283329 i'd guess that she's around 2 1/2 inches tall.

phenix white

Active Member
come on fuckers give me some expertise! you wouldnt want me to kill the northern lights would you!?! i need this info asap everyday it gets worse


heat can always be an issue if you're above 86 - but photosynthesis doesn't deteriorate for most plants unless you're above 92 so i don't think heat alone was you're problem. it looks like the tap root might have dried out and then you burned it with nutes. and as for a watering sched for young plants i don't let the soil dry completely until the plant has at least a few nodes, rubberbanding plastic baggies around young seedlings helps keep them moist.

i don't know anyone can offer you a saving grace for these. u might need to do some more hw and then try again. as for now you can make sure your ph is around 6.5 (if you dont have a meter you can get the cheap capsules tests at walmart for couple bucks) and back off the feed and cross your fingers. i wouldn't let them dry all the way out at that size either, maybe use some plastic wrap or something to keep in the moisture.

if you're fighting temps still you could probably unscrew the top cfls that are more than 8" from the plant, i'm pretty sure that it's wasted light at that proximity and only adding heat; might help by a degree or two


im no expert at all, but like jose said, those lights r too far away and r probablly useless at that distance from the plants, u should be able to keep the cfls within a few inches of the tops of the plants.

good luck man

phenix white

Active Member
think my nl is pullin threw! and my koma kush is just all weird spoty yellow and brown with a lota purple in the steem and leaf viens??? help please?