Seedlings - Nute burn or overwatering?

What is wrong with the plant in the red solo cup?

  • LED's too strong... Right now just one 600 Mars Hydro

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Active Member
Hi Guys, here are a few images of my setup. Both of my plants were growing great but now one of them looks like it has a potassium and nitrogen deficiency so I gave them a bit of Big Bloom and Grow Big. They sprouted from germination on February 23rd. You can see the plant in the red solo cup had a bug problem cause I tried to start it out in StarGro Miracle Mix, was too hot and bugs spawned in my pot so I removed the plants and bought Fox Farms Happyfrog and transplanted them into new containers. I have 5 Gallon smart pots to put them into next.

This is my first grow so any tips are appreciated!

IMG_0958.JPG IMG_0964.JPG IMG_0980.JPG IMG_0981.JPG IMG_0982.JPG



Well-Known Member
Overwatering, and some herbivorous insect.

The LED on the left, may be too close, but I can't tell what it's over or how far it is. I have the same lamp.


Active Member
Yeah the insect is gone now that I switched soils though, it may be overwatering but on the 2nd to last image does that look like phosphorus deficiency? bronze streaks have me confused and there has been some white spotting