Seedlings Stressin' Out!!!

Yesterday I had my three excellent (female) musketeers doing perfectly. This morning I awoke to find them drooping and shriveled. The stems had nearly fallen over and the leaves were all curling, but the color was still a nice dark green. I hadnt watered in ~2 days and the soil was certainly dry....gave em a good watering but they havent perked up.
They get about 6 hours of more or less direct sunlight from 8am to 2pm and the temps have been quite hot recently (upwards of 90 degrees)

What looks to be the problem/ do any of them look salvageable?



Hello, you have the honor of being my first post.

First off, the pics are SUPER blurry. Take a step back and watch your focus. (This goes to all of you blurry picture takers)

1. Seedlings should never be under direct sunlight. break em in by having them in the shade for a full day length and slowly introduce them to more direct sunlight as they grow bigger. (I grow my seedlings inside the house by a window that will not be in direct sunlight.)

2. Seedlings do not need a ton of water at first and you will slowly build up to giving them more. Drowning them deprives them of oxygen. (I use a spray bottle with a couple drops of root stimulator for the first week to just keep all of the soil and plants lightly moist.)

3. It looks like it could use some perlite for aeration. Roots need oxygen badly. A tightly packed soil or mud is very bad for a seedling and can severely stunt growth or kill your plant.

Do you plan to grow indoors or outdoors? What's your growth medium(soil)?. I'm not going to ask about nutrients right now because honestly you don't need any at this stage. Just the correct mix of good soil, water and light.

Take care,

- DiGGy

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member

Direct sunlight, dry soil and 90+ degrees.

With your next batch of seeds try indirect lighting, moist soil and hopefully lower temperature (out of the full sunlight).

I think that your three excellent musketeers are either dead or wishing that they were ... poor babies.



Well-Known Member
I have messed up in the past with seedlings. what worked on a couple of them was to prop them up so the stems dont fold. I used a wire.


Active Member
Are those jiffy peats im seeing? If so Id say lose em' i had the same problem also 8-6 am aint enough light i say move them under cfls or keep'em outside may or may not be to late.