
Hi all,

Have five seedings under a 400w hps in my room, they're just above the soil on day 3. I started them on a 12/12 light cycle and was wondering when I should put them into veg. I plan on moving into a 18/6 cycle over a few days. When do you think I should start and also when should I transplant?


Active Member
Um, they should already be on a 18/6 cycle if you want to Veg them - why start them on 12/12 if you want to Veg them? Put them on 18/6 now for a month or however big you want them to be, then switch to 12/12 to flower them.
I started them with 12/12 cause i was having temp problems to make sure they sprouted. Fixed now so I'll change it now gradually. Thanks bud.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the light in sprout stage is not going to be a flower issue, it'll just grow a little slower with 12/12 than 18/6 or other higher light schedules. You can control the light, and unless you are burning them, more light is pretty much always better (there is a debate about 24/0, but I won't get into that, suffice it to say both sides of the debate grow killer herb :D). You can't control when it enters veg. I'm not aware of a strict separation of the sprout and veg phases, but a general consensus seems to be that plants enter veg around the 3rd true node. Before that it is a seedling and will not grow nearly as quickly above ground (it is putting a lot of energy into building enough root structure to support a larger above ground structure).


Well-Known Member
beware on putting the lights too close for seedlings, I just had my 600w mh lights about a foot away and it really bleached them out, light is now about two feet away and they're doing much better