check it out:
#1 Take a lil' tupperware bowl, and fold up 2 paper towels to fit in the bottom, edge to edge.
#2 place your seeds in there with about 1/2 " in between all of them.
#3 Fold 1 paper towel up to fit the same area, and wet it with lukewarm H2O, then lay it on the seeds
#4 Put a little more water in there now just to make sure all the paper towels are good and wet, (not flooded...but good and wet)
#5 put the lid on partially leaving it open a little..
#6 Place it on top of a heating pad on low-medium that is wrapped one time in a small towel
#7 Put it out of the way,check every now and then to make sure its not dry and there is moisture in there
In about 3-4 days they will germinate, and sometimes after they have sprouted and are trying to still bust out of their shell,you may have to GENTLY!!!! help them out of the shell
with( I use a toothpick) BUT BE GENTLE
** then transfer to your medium, soon as they have about 1 to 1 1/2 inch of root