Seeds in My All Female Harvest? Why? Usable?

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
My crop did not have any male plants anywhere. There was not even a hermie. It was 12 ladies and all of them bearing juicy fruit. Why is there seeds in the budds? There is like 20 per ounce approx. Seems like a lot to be just random. The girls that were in the flower room right before this had one that hermied in the first few weeks of flowering. I pulled the hermie as soon as i saw it start happening, 2 weeks into flower maybe, maybe only 9-10 days. I felt like i pulled it in time before it could start pollinating. The temperatures were kinda high at times, 88-90 even sometimes, could that maybe have been why?


So now I have these seeds that came magically from an all female crop, are they good seeds to grow? What should i expect from these seeds? The crop that the seeds came from was 2 different strains, half and half split. Both strains have seeds in them. Is there a chance the seeds are a hybrid of the 2 strains, or is it more likely they are just the same as the plant they came from?

Thanks in advance for any advice, im about to start a new crop in veg and i need to know if i can use these seeds to start a new batch.


where are the seeds in the bud formation? Are they close to the stem or near the outside?
Yes they are good seeds, probably "feminized" because either A, you had a hermie or several that seeded your own plants, or B someone around you has male plants growing and you sucked the pollen in your intake.


Well-Known Member
the seeds maybe female but good chance they will hermie or alot will from my experience


Well-Known Member
i see posts like these pretty regular, grower swears there was no hermie blooms
others assure him there must have been a banana somewhere
i have seen 1 post where someone mentioned this strange biological condition, kind of like virgin birth
i just see too many experiences where hermie blooms were not visible, and that all these growers were mistaken

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
well, so i guess its possible that somehow my females created banana sacks in mid to late flowering and self pollinated, but are these seeds good? I had two strains growing together so it seems like the seeds i have would be a cross of the two strains in many cases... i do not want to grow some crazy hybrid plant, i want to just recreate the original two strains again. Since i never actually saw the banana sacks, not even during trimming, there is no way for me to know who was pollinating who, and its pretty likely they were all just banging eachother then?

Seems like growing these seeds would be a bad idea since they are very likely some weird hybrid offspring?

Also, what do u think would cause an all female crop to start making banana sacks? They looked beautiful and healthy the whole time, good yield and high quality herb.


Hermies happen for numerous reasons, top 2 are stress and the plant just attempting to continue so it makes pollen to pollenate itself and make seeds to be able to survive. The other most common reason is bad genetics and the misunderstanding of how gentics work.
Lets say for example plant A for whatever reason pollenated plant B. These seeds would be a feminized B-A (using common female-male naming even though the male was a female) cross, likely to produce good buds, with a slight chance of hermies. Now take and cross those seeds with another male plant or hermie, you have now increased the likelyhood of more hermies.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i see posts like these pretty regular, grower swears there was no hermie blooms
others assure him there must have been a banana somewhere
i have seen 1 post where someone mentioned this strange biological condition, kind of like virgin birth
i just see too many experiences where hermie blooms were not visible, and that all these growers were mistaken

i hear you on that, but i think that virgin birth thing would be unlikely to produce 20 seeds/oz. and bear in mind that the people who are totally perplexed about the seeds are usually (not always) newer growers. i have harvested bud with a seed here and there and never found the 'nanners until i took the bud off the stem. sometimes those sneaky pollen sacs happen inside the bud where you can't see them, even when you break it up to smoke.


Active Member
you should look into dutch master reverse, i used it on my last grow and had no seeds on any of my 4 plants. i can say if it was because of the genetics or dm reverse but it was my only grow so far that had no seeds.


Well-Known Member
It's possible that when you pulled out the plant that you admit was producing pollen it spread the pollen. Even if it was only on the side of your tent, any time the plants rubbed against that side of the tent they would get pollinated. Just having 1 male pollen sack can produce enough pollen to get on all your ladies.

Either way, its free seeds to grow. Name it and have some fun.
You can save them for 5 years and then grow it for nostalgia sake if nothing else.

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
ok so... Thanks for all the responses, its really appreciated. I think I am just going to hold off on growing them for now. Not currently in the a position where i want to be growing some weird unknown hybrid, but maybe one day. Maybe ill just grow a couple of them and see what the produce.

so now, the new problem. So there is a good chance that my flower room still to this day has some pollen floating around in it?? If thats the case then my ladies who are in week 5 of flowering right now are probably being pollinated also? That would not make me very happy. What should I do to prevent the pollination from continuing? Just do a massive cleaning job where i disinfect all the walls and wipe down the flood tables and just basically scrub everything molly maid style?

EDIT: And also, what can i do to prevent my ladies from producing nanners in the future? These were some damn stealth ninja nanners because i keep a pretty close eye on them and i never saw anything strange. Maybe i just dont know how to check them properly? If you find a random nanner on a perfectly good lady, you just try to remove it carefully? Sounds risky.


Well-Known Member
simple water is pollen's enemy, when it gets wet, it dies soon after
you should be able to tell if your femmes are being diddled with, the pistil hairs begin to shrivel up