Seeds planted, no sprouting yet...

kakashi 22667

New Member
Hello all... i planted my germinated seeds in soil This past friday..nothing has happend yet ...exept some seeds started to break soil i don't know if this is supposed to happen... when will my plant produce its first leaves...? i keep them moist any advice?


Well-Known Member
some seeds starting to break the soil is something happening. that's what happens.[video=youtube_share;4CjUMm8ycIQ][/video]


Well-Known Member
Im sitting here waiting for my seeds I planted Thursday to break ground. Maybe if I stop staring at them all day. LGC is right the seed breaking through the ground is what is supposed to happen, if the shell is stuck on give it a few days to loosen itself and then only if you absolutely need to, drop a little water on it and remove it by hand. The shell is supposed to come off by the plant pushing itself through the soil but it dosent always work, it should naturally free itself of the shell when its cotyledon leaves start swelling up.


Well-Known Member
I always used the paper towel method. It works and for a newbie there is less risk of overwatering them. Which is bad.