Seeds wont crack...


Active Member
Had some seeds and decided to grow them, put 5 in using paper tower method but 3 of them will not crack (its been over a week), are they bad or is there another way to get them to grow?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like they might be bad if it's really been a week. Keep them in there and keep the paper toil moist, just to see what happens.

It's definitely worth a shot. Are you keeping them warm?


Active Member
i wasnt doing anything extra to keep them warm, just sitting at room temp, last 5 seeds from this batch all cracked np. Should I be keeping them warmer than room temp?


Well-Known Member
What's room temp? Some say they have better results when sticking the seeds on a heating pad. I throw mine on top of the refrigerator to keep them warm.

Try keeping them warm and see what happens.