

Active Member
hey guys kinda new to this. what are you guys opinions on seeds? i live in texas so its hard to get good bud around here. orginally from LA so trust me its hard to get good seeds. do you think if i pick up good commercial weed seeds it can be grown to be very good bud if grown right. what im asking can a seed from bud that was intially not very high in thc be grown to produce more a plant with more thc?? if not any advice on buying seeds and has anyone done it?


Well-Known Member
there is a limit but thc can be increased through certain growing methods, and by using CO2 but good commercial is typically in the 10-15% range. buying seeds there are plenty of threads on that subject already. use the search bar its on the right hand side of the main page.


Well-Known Member
You can get seeds from Mexican brick weed, grow it, and end up with better tasting bud. You can do this because the brick weed was grown openly, with no care, and horrible curing. When you grow it yourself, you can give it A+ nutrients, train it, cure it properly, and kill the males before they seed the females, causing an increase in THC production. Just the act of growing it without seeds will give it some improvement. But you can only improve it so much. Genetics also plays a very important role.

Even if its your first grow, you'll be better off buying some seeds from a quality seed bank. Good genetics will grow faster, thicker, more resinous (which also protects against insects), and allow you to harvest sooner. Plus, who doesn't want smoke the kind of stuff you see in the High Times mag or Cannabis Cup events? You'll never get that kind of quality from brick weed.


Active Member
i know man i had came across some good seeds plants were looking very good. fatass stems. my friend gave me the seeds and all he smokes is hydro and kine bud. it was my first grow. over watered and over fertilized. :(. i wont do that again. been reading a lot of jorge servantes books
Being a fellow Texan I feel your pain... every now and then I can come across a dro seed that produces a good bud... but it's not often. I have tried growing regular mexican brick weed in DWC and it was A LOT better than what I smoked out of the bag!

Here's a pic.
Just some reg bagseed

