

Well-Known Member
if you are in the US, seeds are considered paraphenelia. The seeds may arrive with no problem (they usually do). The seeds may get held up by customs, in which case you will receive one of 2 letters - one that your package will not arrive - or one asking you to respond for more free seeds. If you respond then you are confirming that it was you who ordered seeds and you are screwed. The last possible scenerio is that you get hosed by the seed company who takes your money and sends nothing. I've seen dozens of posts on this site complaining about just about every seed company out there. Even the one I've "used" with much satisfaction has gotten some bad reps out here.

Do a google search of marijuana seeds and do the research yourself before you make a decision on which way to go. Make sure to keep in mind what you're looking for as far height, indoor/outdoor, ect before purchasing (if you go that route)


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine just recently ordered from dr. chronic. 5 days from UK to USA. Ridiculously fast. Order with confidence from them. They seem to have next to no bad rep that I could find.


Well-Known Member
if you haven't been growing and have been purchasing your bud the safest way to go is to use seeds from your bag or ask your suplier if they have any lying around you can experiment with. They may not be too receptive unless you offer some of the fruits of your labor for free when they are done


Well-Known Member
I ordered seeds from and didn't have any problums they arived realy fast and I didn't pay extra for faster shiping