SeeMoreBuds' "Marijuana Buds For Less:Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100"


Well-Known Member
I just had to make a quick thread about this book, after finding out about this book on here, when it came time for me to purchase more grow books this one was at the top of my list, since I grow with cfls.

Anyways, I got this book over a week ago and I've read through it at least 10 times so far. Anyone who plans on growing with cfls should make the investment and buy it. Marijuana Buds for Less: Grow 8 oz. of Bud for Less Than $100: Books: SeeMoreBuds

The thing I loved most about this book was that it follows the grow day by day, so you can compare your plants to SeeMoreBuds'. Also, what cfl grower doesn't want to see pictures of a plant grown in 69 days under cfls that yielded 3 oz. of dried bud (yes from one plant). The ingenious light set up is awesome, while the set up may be a little over complicated for some of our needs and ops, you can always take parts of this set up and incorporate it with your own. This book also probes the mind to think if these results can be improved upon with top grade soil, co2, and more lights..:blsmoke:

Note: This book will not replace your grow bible, if you are limited and want to buy as little as possible with the most information laid out for you, supplement this purchase with Jorge Cervantes' "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible"For those who don't know Jorge, he is High Time Magazines' grow guru. Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible: Books: Jorge Cervantes

P.S. SeeMoreBuds: you are an inspiration.


Well-Known Member
Two of my favorite books!!!
there both great! with thoes two book thats basicaly everything anyone would ned to know to grow some good ass trees!!!
buds for less was writen by one of own kickass fellow rollitupians, in case you didn't already know:blsmoke::blsmoke:
good books I recomend them to everyone. and also Newschool indoor marijuana growing:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
they are... but I wouldnt rip off seemorebuds, because hes a cool guy... the writer as I said of that book is on the sight, and I dont mind helping him out, as I understand it writing books isnt a big money making thing unles its a bestselling book...
and as for the other 2 books they are less than 20 bucks... and I get it forever.. as for my PC I know I'l get a new one in a few years.
the seemore buds book was only 13 bucks, and is as the writer said basicaly a picture book... I dont know if the pictures would be on the torrent?

Lowercase b

Active Member
I have both of them, by far the best 40ish bucks i've ever spent, ohh yeah they pay for themselves anyways why rip it off


i have cervantes' bible, and didnt find it to have enough depth for my level of exp., thats why i got on rollitup. if you know nothing about growing the herb, than def. a good book to buy so you dont aggravate people w/crazy questions, but if you already know the basics of growing, then just research on here, you'll learn plenty. i am interested in seemorebuds' book, saw the dvd trailer last month and he looks like he covers things that cervantes doesnt. anyone know where i can buy his books, b&n and bam dont carry them, at least not my local ones.

potpimp: if seemorebuds is on rollitup, and isnt under the name seemorebuds, he may like the anonimity.


Well-Known Member
i have cervantes' bible, and didnt find it to have enough depth for my level of exp., thats why i got on rollitup. if you know nothing about growing the herb, than def. a good book to buy so you dont aggravate people w/crazy questions, but if you already know the basics of growing, then just research on here, you'll learn plenty. i am interested in seemorebuds' book, saw the dvd trailer last month and he looks like he covers things that cervantes doesnt. anyone know where i can buy his books, b&n and bam dont carry them, at least not my local ones.

potpimp: if seemorebuds is on rollitup, and isnt under the name seemorebuds, he may like the anonimity.
i found the same thing about the bible,it actually did not teach me anything that was not on here or in someones journal,jorge doesnt grow that much these days,he visits you and i to get his knowledge,the one part in the book about the guy's who increased there grow from the first to the 3rd was very vague and very quick it took all of 3 pages,and when he talks of cloneing,he leaves out alot of unanswered questions,the same with seedlings,i didnt find it as informative as asking and reading here on line,were we all do our part to help each other.i also found that alot of the pics were stock pics that i have seen in the differant grow mags,but all reading good,but nothing beats haveing your questions answered,right online and the very same day.i try to answer questions i know the answer to,to do my part to help the fellow every one who uses this site should try to give back by helping the new comer,i had read a dozen books,i worked for people in the bussiness,but none of that set my mind at ease like asking an experienced man like fdd in the beggining and many others along the way.thats why i say the best book out there is the rollitup forum,and its thoughtfull mods.


Well-Known Member
I can not stress enough how every person growing under cfls should pick up this book, NOOBS I'M TALKING TO YOU, THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU- NO BULLSHYT.


Well-Known Member
yea Rollitup has almost everything I'v ever read in a book and then some, but... you can never have too many pot books... at least thats my resoning :)


Well-Known Member
Well guess what. I just harvested my first grow and am very impressed with myself. I do feel the harvest could have been bigger. The weed is great though. I got just under a qp with two girls vegged for 5 weeks under cfl daylights hoods. They were flowered under a 400 watt hps. They got plenty big and bushy and such. But I fought bugs and what I feel was undernuting since it was looking pretty tired at the end.

Anyhow I grabbed up this book when I was at B&N last weekend and after reading through it have decided to challenge the book. I have used cfl for veg and allot of people dog on cfl but I can tell you for fact that my girls and two fella's grew wondefully under my hoods. Nice and healthy and bushy with zero stretch. Now I think they suffered from growing too tall under the 400 watter and not getting enough light to the budsites.

I have five seeds germing which should be ready to plant tomorrow night. I would like to find the same soil as used in the book. I am in the process of building a light rig to copy the books but for 5 plants. In the book he grew 3 plants under the lighting rig so a few more should stretch to 5. At least until sex shows. I want to do everything the same except I don't have the time to order the same seeds but my strain is sort of similar. I think my yield could benefit from a bigger light but I like the idea of yielding the same or more than I just did from two plants every 2 months. I am only supplying myself so it seems like the perfect system. We will see soon. I will check back in with my results.


Well-Known Member
Will do. I got a line on the soil used. I have everything except some light bases and the proper bulbs. Hoping to go shopping tomorrow. I have a hood with some 100 watt replacement bulbs so I might hang that until I get the rig built. I am sure happy to have the person who wrote the book around to talk to. I was stoked to find the book chilling on the shelf at the bookstore. I don't want to step on GK's toes as far as giving away all the secrets. I almost feel like I would be cheating myself. I paid the money for the book. However I will document the entire grow and see how I fair with the same environment. I will be singing seemorebuds praises if it works out to be as simple and labor un-intensive as it looks on tv. If it is a viable method for what it claims then newbies and people who just want to get something cheap,easy and effective to supply themselves should be happy to pay for a dummies guide to marijuana horticulture.


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantes' "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible"For those who don't know Jorge, he is High Time Magazines' grow guru. Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible: Books: Jorge Cervantes.
You can download this book for free, and many many movies.. I posted all the info one needs to get all the books, and videos a pothead could want here.. Including the hightimes ready set grow 1-2, top quality indoor marijuana, also the see more buds 15 lbs in 180 days video although it only covers hydro.. That video downloaded for in in a half hour, and was 700 mbs! I found it on emule ;) btw

I even uploaded a very good book I had scanned to take with me overseas


Well-Known Member
Thats one of the many many books I have linked you can get for free, if you are tight on funds that is.. Also I did a search and found the Ultimate grow video from High Time by Jorge Cervantes on emule :D Right now its downloading at over 300 kbs!!
I posted links to all the grow book, and videos I could find above in the freebooks, and knowledge

Here is the torrent Jorge Cervantes torrent search