Selling burnt cds


Well-Known Member
Hey dudes, well see i have been wanting to buy a few items for my guitar and i dont gots no extra money. So im gonna sell some burnt cds :D Its a great idea cause a pack of 25 blank cds cost 7$ and i am asking you guys, what is the most you would pay for a pirated cd. Give me some ideas.

A bit off topic..what the fuck, 400 pound bags of pot falling from the sky? Holy Shit id shit myself if i was that, id probably make a new land speed record trying to run up to them. Now all we need is 400 pounds of amphetamines falling from the sky. Bags of Marijuana Dropped on a Texas Neighborhood


Well-Known Member
Noone uses CDs anymore. I used to sell bootleg DVDs though. The trick is to download decent to good quality movies that are still in theaters and sell them for around $5 a pop.


Well-Known Member
Yea but the people that i will be selling to a pretty much idiots, you know. I gots me some connections to high schoolers..Yea so if i sold to 10 different people for 5$ each id have 50 dollards in one day, then i could get some extra weed and a nice pedal in a few days. Mabey some coke to, never tried it but sounds pretty cool...


Well-Known Member
When i was in middle school i was a straight up hustler. Sold everything from CDs to DVDs to candy out of my backpack. I use to sell them for 7 dollars but that was back when not everyone had an ipod or knew how to download music for free. Try selling candy lol. I would go buy three boxes of 30 count candy bars and would sell them at a dollar a pop. They were 13$ so i would make 17$ off each box. and everyone bought them even the teachers. I came home with just over 100$ one day just from sellin CDs and candy.

Try to find a job dude. I know its hard right now but thats the best way.


Well-Known Member
Yea your right, but alot of teens are dumb asses and lazy asses. Hmm i guess i could sell my prized vyvanse/dexamphetamine.....
But really, how many people can pirate things? i could alot of peeps that cant. I dont know. Well, if there wasnt any money in it, the dudes at the flea mall wouldnt do it.
What else could i sell that isnt any kind of food, cause american teens are getting to fat and there wont be any hot chicks left over for me after the great world war 3...