Selling stuff?


Well-Known Member
Recently I sold my 5month laptop (recently, 5months ago), and now the owners came back cos it's not working wanting me to pay for the repair. Now I've saw him plenty off times sitting on his bed with his laptop, no wonder it's over heating. I shouldn't be held responsible should I? Even though it was only 5-6months old? He's had it for 5months or so...


Well-Known Member
5 months is a little long for someone to expect you to cover repairs.
Exactly. Just cos he was sitting with it on his bed at the start, he's collected all the dust on the CPU fan, I know b the symptoms he gav me. They fuckin deny too, I've seen em do it.


Well-Known Member
Did you give him a warranty on it? How much money did you sell it for?
180 and I let him pay it up. I gave him a 3month warranty. But iwas there all the time coshedidnt know what to do.

To other guy, yea he denies it, he said he had it on for two minutes, the bed I mean. I had to give him a fan pad thing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
When it comes to electronics, i either always create an RMA with the supplier if still in the manufacturers warranty or the shops warranty etc, and if there is no warranty service to offer, then that is the luck of the draw as said. That is simply one of the issues that can come around when buying second hand. It is the buyers responsibility to make sure that what they are buying omes with a form of protection that suits him, if he bought it knowing he got 3 months, then he is aware that 5 months later it's his issue, not your.

Short story if he's out of warranty, doesn't matter what the reason for it's fault, it's out of warranty, tough titties.


Well-Known Member
I'd offer to attempt to repair it for a fee.. You have ZERO obligation to do anything, but if it's just overheating due to dust you might be able to get some profit from the whiny dbag..