I vend to one guy that owns 12 dispensaries in so cal. He hasn't heard anything from anyone. It's business as usual there. He's real straight laced with his deals, though. All payments are checks written out to my collective's name, and followed by a big fat 1099 each year. It's a pain in the ass, and paying the self employment and income taxes sucks, but these are the guys that have the best chance of survival. The ghetto clubs are first on the chopping block.
The delivery services I do business with are fine, too. Most of them are under the radar enough to avoid attention. The ones I know were big dealers back in the day, and just changed business models to be 215 compliant. They already had the clients, so no advertising was needed. Here in my county, it's the advertising that puts the bull's eye on the delivery services.
All in all, it looks like they're going for the easy kills. Like a lion targetting the lame antelopes. Going after clubs near schools and parks garners public support. And Steve DeAngelo is going to have a hard time not showing a profit with his volume of sales. They want the easy busts. The shady clubs that will be easy to prosecute, and won't stir up too much trouble with the public. We'll be meeting with out attorney next week to fine tune the paperwork and make sure we're compliant. Needless to say, he's working some overtime these days. I believe if we all just stay smart, stay compliant, don't take stupid chances, and DO NOT make ANY new contacts, we'll be fine.
Stay safe out there. And always remember: Being paranoid will give you something to be paranoid about. Stay fucking calm.