Senior Research Paper


Active Member
Well Im one of the dumbasses thats been in High School for 5 years now and last year i got lazy and didnt do a Senior Reeseaerch paper. But this year im dedicated to do it. So my topic is should Marijuana be legalized..? Any ideas ? like impotratnt facts topics and shit.


Well-Known Member
Compare marijuana to alcohol:

Cite deaths due to alcohol (although these statistics are rather inflated due to the fact that all accidents involving ANY amount of alcohol are considered "alcohol-related"). Cite lack of deaths due to marijuana.

Compare from a medical standpoint the physical effects of each drug, and their social impacts, e.g. getting the munchies vs. sexually and socially inappropriate behaviors.

Cite research showing therapeutic value of THC.

Make case that alcohol's legalization has largely to due with corporate profits reaped and lobbyist action.

Recite statistics on the war on drugs. Cite statistics on the (lack of) efficacy of said moneys.

Cite examples of other countries' policies of decriminalization - not just the Netherlands - and social attitude toward marijuana and their effects on use.

Make case that regulation would result in tax revenues and a safer, better product.

Collect your grade based on attitude of teacher rather than quality of paper.


Well-Known Member
the tough part is that the hemp and marijuana arguments are probably each their own paper, and a strong argument for hemp is that it's *not* smokeable.


Well-Known Member
Haha dude i'm actually writing a paper on the same thing... I actually narrowed it down to marijuana being legalized for medicinal purposes. I wouldnt go for the broad topic of just legalizing marijuana b/c its tough to write a long essay about it(mine was a minimum 6 pages)and keep it flowing w/ all the different aspects of it.

DEFINITELY buy Jack Herer's "The Emperor Wears No Clothes." Not only does it thoroughly explain why hemp would be beneficial to legalize, but the medical benefits of marijuana, history behind its illegalization, and disproves almost every myth of how marijuana harms the body.

I'll letr you copy mine if you want. haha.


Well-Known Member
Haha dude i'm actually writing a paper on the same thing... I actually narrowed it down to marijuana being legalized for medicinal purposes. I wouldnt go for the broad topic of just legalizing marijuana b/c its tough to write a long essay about it(mine was a minimum 6 pages)and keep it flowing w/ all the different aspects of it.

DEFINITELY buy Jack Herer's "The Emperor Wears No Clothes." Not only does it thoroughly explain why hemp would be beneficial to legalize, but the medical benefits of marijuana, history behind its illegalization, and disproves almost every myth of how marijuana harms the body.

I'll letr you copy mine if you want. haha.
this is what I was gunna say.... your topic is too broad, your gunna have a hell of a time. there is plenty of reasearch and shit you can find on a more specific topic. like medical marijuana, or stricly hemp, or a comparative of marijuana to alcohol and other drugs.

I would really narrow it down in order to get good information and have a better chance of haveing the teacher take it seriously and possibly conducting their own research to find out more about marijuana.

Every single paper I've been assigned in my 15-17 years of schooling now, I tie to marijuana prohibition in some way or another. I'm always trying to reach out to more people, and by tieing things to marijuana, it gets the word out to more and more people, same thing with any presentations I've been forced to give, every single one of them being tied in.