SensiGrow A&B Nutrients.


Active Member
So I am using SensiGrow A&B nutrients for my plant. I need to know how much nutrients i use. Im using a 5 gallon bubbler system. Any general information on this would help. I cant find information on this anywhere.:joint:


Well-Known Member
ummm lol its on the bottle.... It all depends on how old your plants are start at the lower ppm and move up every week i did till the second to highest amount stayed there for 3 weeks then started at the same ppm when i started sensi bloom 2 weeks into flowering

Eddie McPot

Well-Known Member use the calculator there. You can type in your volume, growth stage and english or metric. I am using sensigrow and sensi bloom 2 parts. Mark your container inside and use a measuring cup to be accurate. So far I have got by without a ppm meter.