Serious Mood Disorders

In my case this is the truth, with ample documented and circumstantial evidence that I have good medical reason to have these disorders. Not depression, just a very serious bad mood caused by many many years of some personally very hard times
Of course I medicate myself with marijuana. I now have a halfway decent doctor who I get along with and I am going to have a serious discussion with him about the possibility of getting narcotic medication for mood elevation, rather than just for pain.
I am getting old, 60, but have been having some pretty bad health shit going with pain. He is giving me 750 mg cotylenol. I am even starting to like that if I smoke a bowl with it. I never did much like that particular stuff. He has been good about it and I even remembered mentioning that I wouldn't mind getting addicted, when I was babbling just before I passed out before the surgery. I'm not going to be around that many more years. It would seem to me that I should be able to provide a convincing argument for that and that it would be medically justified and legally?,
any they all prescribe things for stuff that is not an official use.
If I could deal with the tolerance issue?
