Serious nutrient Earth Juice/ Bio Bizz question (something i need to have cleared up)

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
I have been growing for almost seven years now organically and i have had great success with yield using the numerous nutrient lines feeding schedules and amounts i have, but i have always had a serious problem with mixing my nutrients.
I use RO water and i mix a gallon at a time feeding four plants in 5 gallon pots my question is what should the amount of earth juice by ML to 1 gallon of water be and then do i just give straight RO water the next time i water or should i always add nutrients and if so what dillution should i use for earth juice i have heard people say 15ml- 1 gal of water and then water twice and then repeat but then i wonder if the RO water by itself is damaging the rhizosphere so i have started trying to do 5ml grow + 10ml bloom + 5ml catalyst per gallon at every watering... needless to say i am extremely awful at mixing organic nutes.... can anyone PLEASE shed some light on this issue?


Well-Known Member
First, just wondering how you think pure RO water would damage the rhizosphere? I use RO and it is the long as you supplement cal/mg somehow. Can't comment on earth juice sorry never used it, can you list some ingredients? or what products you are using in particular? the more info you give us the more we can help.

I am trying to stray away from bottled nutes altogether...the goal for next round is to use only RO water with a good soil mix...but when I do have to use bottled nutes I generally mix them in a 5gal bucket at the proper dilution and then bubble with an airstone for 24hrs+ Also I have a water heater in there to help the microbes breed...keeps the water at 75 which is also great for my ladies - no shock, and lukewarm temperatures actually stimulate uptake of certain nutrients (K i believe?)

the bubbling and microbe activity helps regulate the pH, but it still ends up very low. Some people think this is an issue, some don't, I have a thread about it you can find in Subs old school organics - but basically I've been watering with pH 5 solution for months now and had no issues until about 2.5 months when I started having cal/mg deficiencies (wasn't supplementing Cal/Mg with a RO system..:wall:). So basically if you supplement your Cal/Mg and don't overdo it you'll be good, I've heard some bad things about EJ honestly with chelated ingredients etc... but no experience personally.

so what exactly are you using? is pH a concern? whats the whole thing about straight RO damaging the rhizosphere? curious....


Well-Known Member
I have been growing for almost seven years now organically and i have had great success with yield using the numerous nutrient lines feeding schedules and amounts i have...
So what's the problem? Are your plants having a problem, or are you just second guessing yourself?

If it ain't broke, why fix it?