Should always be in the front of your thinking when doing your thing! Bet "your thing" will take on a whole new look .
The seal around your light bulb more than likey gave way allowing air into the bulb. This in return will push ignited gas out of the small seam that gave way, You, in- effect, had A tiny, possibly not visable by the naked eye blow torch in your tent, or room. The reason why It can't be detected right away is the light is burning, or on, creating white light. The gas created by the ignighted Florecence,also burns white until there is more atmosphereic air containing "some" o2, than phoshoresece, . Then it will begin to burn blue, until it is compleately consumed. Or your tent or wireing catches on fire. I hate tents in houses! For this reason. "You are asking for a fire when compacting that much power moisture and flamable material, I.E. mylar, ito one small place." Add a fan to blow material into electrical equipment, and you couldn't ask for a more likely spot to have a fire start. The burnt acidy smell was the ignited gas, created when charged florecent particals actually ignite in the presence of oxygen.