set up help?


I need to know what would be a good set up to grow a plant inside a closet, its not a walk in closet its just a regular closet, can anyone help me please?


Active Member
check out the link in my signature. If you are trying to grow 1-2 plants you can go down 2 different roads. It depends on your budget. If you have 300$ you can easily setup a premier closet grow that will produce some dank buds.

You need
soil - ocean forrest by foxfarms / cheap substitute is miracle grow (soil is important)
lights - (cfls are basically those spiral lights you see now days. You have 2 basic spectrums. 6500 k daylights are used to veggie the plant 18/6 light cycle, (aka when u start).
you then switch to 2700k lights when flowering at 12/12 cycle.

you can veg as long as you want, depending on space. The more light the better. And both of these spectrums will be on the box of the bulbs at the store (check out walmart, home depot, lowes, target). If you use the cfl method buy a power strip/surge protector and bulb to ac adapters. where u plug your lightbulb into an outlet directly. there you can also buy splitter and this and that. cfls use as many as u can. lights alone should cost you 50$ if you are gonna be really growing a plant.

ventilation is imprortant, have constant air movement, and you can build a carbon filter/scrubber for cheap (google the zen model scrubber) to eliminateo odors

if you want 2 dank plants buy a 150watt hps system. it has an enclosed ballast, you can get it at your local hydro shop.
also get nutes, foxfarm preferably, grow big, tiger gloom, big bloom.

I mean you get what you pay for, and if u spend a bit of money, do some reading, you will have a premier setup for cheap, and your plants will reward you with nice yields.

probably a lot i missed lemme know if u have more questions


Active Member
or you can go like 20-30 $ cheaper and do cfl's, not yield nearly as much, and work a lot harder to set things up


Well-Known Member
cfl's would be your best bet I think. tescu has lots of good info there. I use 100w 6500k lights for my veg. I like one per plant. I think you could use those the whole grow and add 4 42w 2700k to the flower. I could be wrong on the flower light. I use hps for flower. but you do want 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower. even with cfl's you'll need to vent the room to get rid of heat.


Active Member
bro, risk vs reward, do it right man. Dont put 100$ into growing weed and then have it not go right. take your time, do your homework, look through the stickied threads and you will pick up a TON of info


Well-Known Member
Well I plant in seedling soil. then move to black gold coco blend. You could use about any good potting soil. what ever soil you use add about 1/3 perlite to the soil.


Well-Known Member
oh what would be the best way to ventilate a closet?
I just cut a small hole in the lid and ran ducting out with a bathroom ex fan. 80 cfm. and you would want air comming in at the bottom. like under the door. oh and the 100w cfl's are about 50.00 at home depot. It's a good idea to map out what you want to do and how you want to end up. I started with a 400w mh/hps and wish I would have got the 600w but now
I'll get a 600w hps and use the 400 in veg it all works out so long as you have a good idea of what you want.


Well-Known Member
I don't like using it but it will work if done right. I had a hard time with it. kept getting nute burn. was most likely over watering and was using mg nutes on top of it. I just used mg perlite w/nutes. I didn't even look at the store. so far so good.


Well-Known Member
I can have 15 plants. The seed I have going are at least 3 years old. I started 20. Got 10 to sprout and live. The last time I used these seeds I did the same but got 100% to sprout and out of those got 14 girls. 11 lived 2 went out side and dried up due to me being stupid.