Setting up first grow room in dedicated 8x10 shed.


Hey guys. FIRSTLY and foremost, I want to say "Thank You!" from the bottom of my heart for this website and all you awesome pot heads. What an invaluable resource. I hope I can end up helping others as much as you have all already helped me (just from reading and trolling the forum).

Okay.. So I live in Colorado and was able to get a prescription for medical marijuana. They practically have drive-thru windows for it, it's so fuckin' easy... AS IT SHOULD BE. Legalize it, motherfuckers. My brother-in-law and wife have a prescription for it as well and are textbook cases of why medical marijuana was legalized here in first place. I just did it cuz the door was revolving... I didn't have to lie at all, it's 100% legit. My brother-in-law will actually be setting up a dispensary to sell medical marijuana here soon. Exciting stuff.

Anyhoo, I can grow 12 plants legally now. I have an 8x10 Tuff Shed in my back yard I'm turning into a grow room.

I'm going with an ebb & flo hydro system like what's pictured here:

And I'm going to be using the UFO LED lighting units. I know there's a lot of haters out there, but I've looking into it a LOT over the past couple days and I'm convinced it will work excellently. Plus, LED lights don't emit nearly as much heat so my bills won't skyrocket and they'll last for about 10 years. But more so, it's environmental. Think of the planet, people. If you doubt LEDs, look it up in YouTube and you'll see some real results.

Here is a great deal on them: -- at the time of posting this, they are on sale for only $120 w/ free shipping. They are $200 everywhere else. The store is legit.

Okay, my issue is, I don't know how many LED lamps to get... 2? 3? Like I said, I'll be growing 12 plants... Any suggestions?

Also, the ebb & flo system comes with 2 gallon buckets. Are those big enuf? The vids I've watched and articles I've read usually suggested 3 gallon buckets.


After some more research, the light footprint of the UFOs isn't real large. I'd need to supplement it with CFLs or something. Still looking into it...

Edit: Okay, found these

The website says it'd give a 12'x12' footprint, it sounds totally exaggerated.. BUT my plants will be grouped in a 5x4'ish area so it'll work okay I think. Maybe add a mixed spectrum spotlight on either side. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
for less money, you can get a 1000W light with a a/c hood. Your electric bill might go up $30 a month including running fans, lights, timers, etc.