Setup Help


I need a grow setup for no more then $900 USD. And get no less then a pound out of it. I have a setup in mind I posted it on here before people said it was good. But I just want to more ideas to maybe work with. I'm going with a soil setup it's cheaper but if it fits in the price I would be fine with hydro. Plz plz plz help.


ok if you want help you need to break it down into section. First grow space, ie cabinet so forth. Next grow medium, I see you say soil well research this or research hydro. Then lights many different options. Break it down. Slow down this is a waiting game. I am very a impatient person, just gotta slow down. Break this into more realistic bites for us to knock them off the list. Do research first. Dont be the person asking if nutes are needed.


Well i have a setup in mind but I want to hear other peoples ideas for a grow room at that price but I was going to do a 4x4 Mylar tent 600w hps 2 4" inline fan a carbon filter 3gal grow bags FFOF potting mix fox farm nutes pmm ph meter and growing from seed fem northen lights or fem Jack herer


ok if you want help you need to break it down into section. First grow space, ie cabinet so forth. Next grow medium, I see you say soil well research this or research hydro. Then lights many different options. Break it down. Slow down this is a waiting game. I am very a impatient person, just gotta slow down. Break this into more realistic bites for us to knock them off the list. Do research first. Dont be the person asking if nutes are needed.
I broke it down if u have any idea for me to save money cause I kind of want a RO water filter


Have a buddy who made one for his fish tank give me a bit and Ill see if I can make a how to, not sure how much it cost him


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're looking for maximum yield. I'd recommend a scrog grow under a 1000 watt light. Most of your money will be spent on the light, air filter, and fans.

I'm growing a traditional grow right now, but my next run will be using a scrog method, especially since I'm only using a 250 watt light. I too want to get maximum results with the amount of light I have to work with, and scrog (or lst) are some of the best ways to do it.


Well-Known Member
Buy a good ballast a 1000 hps. Hang it vertical so you don't have to buy a hood. Put like 6- 8 plants around it do some supercropping and some other laying and bada bing your in business. Fuck those exspensive nutes look for some cheaper ones ask around people will give you a good idea of what nuts to grab. If you buy online you can grab a nice e ballast for like 250-350 bulb fir around $100 now 100'x10 roll of Mylar $50 oscillating fans like 12-20 bucks. That will get you going. Check out hobbes thread about 2.5g per watt. There's a recipe in there for a soil mix that you don't have to add too many nutes to.