Setup optimization 2.5x2.5x5'2"


New Member
I'd like some expert advice on how I should go about my next grow. This time around I ran into excessive light/heat burn anf I'd like to minimize that next time. From my own measurements the start of my light sits about 4'2" from the top of the soil.

The light I have is a 300w led

I'd really like to run two smaller plants next time and plan to cut the bottom out as they get to close. I have two 3 gallon smart pots also I gutted the fans out of the tent to give a clearer picture of how much space i have to work with.

To summarize my setup

300w led
2.5x2.5x5'2" tent
The light in this picture is at the absolute higest point possible

I can easily buy more smart pots if i need a smaller size.

Thank you for any help.

P.S if it matters at all I'm growing white widow auto I have 6 seeds left I plan to stick with autos for awhile as I enjoy there short grow time and I quite enjoy the process of growing almost more then the end product :P


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