Sex Is Cheaper Than Ever.


Well-Known Member
More power to the womens movement!!!

"A man who sought sex with a particular woman typically had to give her something of very high value in exchange — either marriage or at least a marriage proposal, he said. This is because female sexuality has high value to men, "

"When women collude to restrict men’s sexual access to women, all women tend to benefit,” he said, noting that “if women were more in charge of how their romantic relationships transpired … we would be seeing greater male investment in relationships, more impressive wooing efforts, fewer hookups, fewer premarital sexual partners … shorter cohabitations, more marrying … and more marrying at a slightly earlier age. In other words, the price of sex would be higher. It would cost men more to access it.”
However, he said, “none of these things are occurring today. Not one. The price of sex is pretty low.”


Active Member
In the United States, price fixing can be prosecuted as a criminal federal offense under section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.[2] Criminal prosecutions may only be handled by the U.S. Department of Justice, but the Federal Trade Commission also has jurisdiction for civil antitrust violations. Many State Attorneys General also bring antitrust cases and have antitrust offices, such as Virginia, New York, and California. Private individuals or organizations can bring their own lawsuits for triple damages for antitrust violations and also recover attorneys fees..[3]



Well-Known Member
More power to the womens movement!!!

"A man who sought sex with a particular woman typically had to give her something of very high value in exchange — either marriage or at least a marriage proposal, he said. This is because female sexuality has high value to men, "

"When women collude to restrict men’s sexual access to women, all women tend to benefit,” he said, noting that “if women were more in charge of how their romantic relationships transpired … we would be seeing greater male investment in relationships, more impressive wooing efforts, fewer hookups, fewer premarital sexual partners … shorter cohabitations, more marrying … and more marrying at a slightly earlier age. In other words, the price of sex would be higher. It would cost men more to access it.”
However, he said, “none of these things are occurring today. Not one. The price of sex is pretty low.”
So true.^^^


Well-Known Member
To say sex is cheap shows your putting a price on it yourself!

Will is the only price.

Just plain desire mmmm om nom nom :D


Well-Known Member
lol why should sex require a currency? if anything, the price of *NSA* sex should be stablized. Guys shouldnt make promises they cant keep just to get pussy, and girls shouldnt be passing the pussy around for free... lol if you want commitment and loving girls, hold out on having sex until after you're in a relationship... cause one night in your vag isnt worth a lifetime of servitude. let me get off my soapbox now, its not like you people care anyway


Well-Known Member
if im not mistaken you were in the wall street journal.
Yeah I finally got

Edit: I just read this its for this reason I masturbate a lot. I'm the only person I know with standards low enough to have sex with me......HAHAHAhahahaHAHAhaha
It's funny cause it's true.