
I seen the word sex in sexuality and thought "Hey, I should ask people about how they're first time went". Well, I just know that i was high when i was with this chick and i got her to buy some purp off of me. she bought 2 grams for 40 and i smoked her out with her own weed. I brought my bong and did like 4 good rips. Pretty much after that we fucked. Hahahaha good times though..


Well-Known Member
My first time I was 16, she was 15, a hot little girl, we both learned a lot in those days. Still think of her and those days. It was the best experiance in my life. Wish I could go back....Ha Ha Ha

thump easy

Well-Known Member
mine wasnt all that great with the hipe of not being a vergin it was a mission i needed to acomplish.. i wasnt realy intrested yet those intense moments of HARD FUCKEN WOOD always inturupted my train of thought the nabor chick would fondle the rod??? i wasnt quit shure at thirteen why it felt so fucken good about her reaching in my pants to feel the lil satchulet and get me aroused, but that day playing spin the bottle i get an erection that would put the old GIN SUE knife to shame..... for you younger cats that was this one info murshal of a knife that cut threw metal pipe plastic bricks and still slice a tomatoe with ease back in the 80's .. lolz im not shure i should tell this story???

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Well i didnt have any amo in the chamber but that was my first experience at anything like it we got caught kissing for the first time i was lerning how to french kiss it was alway better with candy or gum.. but those intense lip locking incedents left me very aroused... lil did i know i would nevor see her again i was hooked on kissing and fondling a women years passed and i was at my first few parties with alcohal and well diching was were this for the most part took place beer, wine coolers, straight vodka or any kind of alcohal.. i REMEMBER IT LIKE YESTERDAY i was pritty fucked up talking to friends and having a great time when a girl that didnt say much to me or even talk to me grabed my hand and walked me to a room i was supprised i thought she didnt like me..... well i will finish if i fell the erge too.. lolz hahahahahaa owwww wooow you guys make me laugh im laughing with a big grin... it wasnt your normal incounter..
Well it was when i was in high school and wasn't in it for the money just to smoke for free so i would only buy an oz of some purp for 350. Thats actually normal here though. lol but i only sold grams so i would get more money but i wasn't really too into selling. I was just a guy who sold here and there.


Well-Known Member
First time? Lasted about 12 seconds. Then i got hard and had my second time which lasted about 15 minutes. Good times. Good times.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember a lot about my first time, just the person it was with and the distinct feeling of 'wet velvet' upon insertion. Didn't cum.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
YOU GUYS R FUNNY i think ill just sit back and listen im going to change the water.. Have a great SUNDAY ITS BUTIFULL OUTSIDE I think i will ingage in the summer air!!!


i was 16, snuck into the girls place (drunk as fuck), was kinda wayyy too drunk, couldnt feel a thing, and bailed coz her old man got up.... left feeling pretty disappointed haha

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
14 years old, with a white girl named mashion...weird i know. We were both virgins, it was romantic. Actually now that i look back and think about it... i was a pussy back then lol. My prime was at, my favorite year.