Sexing Auto Flowering Seeds

Hello all. Im new to growing, and im actually about 3 weeks from harvest on my first attempt of 3 Afgooey plants of which I am very proud of. However recently ive been interested in this whole auto flowering deal, but do not want to have to continuosly buy seeds. This may be common sense to most of you but, was wondering if i took a male and a female, let them grow together, the seeds would still be auto flowering correct? Is it possible to do this with diff strains, say a ak48 male and some sort of a haze female? Or would they have to be the same strain? Ne help would be appreciated guys :) Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
yeah man if your male and female "do it" then yeah the seeds will be the same , but if your swap your male/female then thats how u go hybrid, u can pollinate just the one branch and it will seed whilst the rest of the plant will still bud


Well-Known Member
auto flowers are really "finicky" and unstable. for instance the lowryder strain is pretty hard to crossbreed and youd need to know if the male or female carried the autoflower trait.

breeding can be complex, but having your own strains can be rewarding