Sexing Help, Possible hermie


I am a new grower and really bad luck has struck me lol all eight (bag seed) plants have came out to be males but this one is a bit different and was wondering if it might be a hermie, I am growing in a 1.5' x 1.5' x 8' closet. 150 watt hps 3 fans in a ten gallon tote (DWC) since I cant cut holes to make an exhaust vent i have to keep my door slightley open any suggestions on those whom cant install vents in there grow closets? My temps pass 90 degree at times but im able to keep my nute soup, GH Flora series and Hydrogen peroxide every four to five days have helped a lot at about 65 to 75 degree (2 litre frozen cola bottles). I spray my plants three times a day I keep my ph around 5.7 to 6.4 and my ppm since my tap water reads at 240 I tend to keep it around 900 in the flowering stage. If I can get some help sexing this last one and some very good advice in choosing bag seeds and some other alternative to vent my closet i'd highly appreciate it, i'd appreciate any help at that and excuse the quality of the photos my phone sucks


No I had more then one, I just thought this one was a hermie. imma just chop it down and re-start. I had eight, that was the last one. Thanks for the help though! I highly appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Yep, I have some advice......with that shitty 8-0, male/female split, you can't get worse than that, so roll Start 8 more plants, and if you get another 8-0 I'd take up another hobby, because you're luck is :razz:



Ok I see if this was an alcohol brewing type forum there be a lot of enimes but who can get upset when ur stoned most of the time lol, and for dark my fault for not being specific, i was having a lot of temp problems due to not being able to put an exhaust fan in my closet but i said to hell with it and purchased one its going to have to be done this was my fault for putting those plants through a hella lot of stress so hopefully my next grow wont be so shitty mr jaw lol but if it wasnt for this site id be here sucking my damn thumb. I just jumped into this blind should have done my HW b4 i started i'll keep a log of my next grow, hopefully I wont get tea bagged lol I want the bush not them balls lol but hey I appreciate the help and sarcasm yall a trip! Happy Smokin!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok I see if this was an alcohol brewing type forum there be a lot of enimes but who can get upset when ur stoned most of the time lol, and for dark my fault for not being specific, i was having a lot of temp problems due to not being able to put an exhaust fan in my closet but i said to hell with it and purchased one its going to have to be done this was my fault for putting those plants through a hella lot of stress so hopefully my next grow wont be so shitty mr jaw lol but if it wasnt for this site id be here sucking my damn thumb. I just jumped into this blind should have done my HW b4 i started i'll keep a log of my next grow, hopefully I wont get tea bagged lol I want the bush not them balls lol but hey I appreciate the help and sarcasm yall a trip! Happy Smokin!!!
GL homie! Send me a link of your next grow when you get it started!


Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised, their are alot of dickheads on here that just troll looking for fights and then are also alot who get horribly offended over nothing and make it a fight, and next we have the know it alls who are always right no matter what, science and facts dont matter to them, then youve got your newbie bashing types who will point out any mistake and criticize you for them and for you not knowing everything yet or asking what to them is an obvious question. If you hang out here some more youll start to see them. oh, i forgot a type-the newb who thinks he knows it all when he obviously doesnt and gets mad when you try to nicely correct them.


Well-Known Member
Ok I see if this was an alcohol brewing type forum there be a lot of enimes but who can get upset when ur stoned most of the time lol, and for dark my fault for not being specific, i was having a lot of temp problems due to not being able to put an exhaust fan in my closet but i said to hell with it and purchased one its going to have to be done this was my fault for putting those plants through a hella lot of stress so hopefully my next grow wont be so shitty mr jaw lol but if it wasnt for this site id be here sucking my damn thumb. I just jumped into this blind should have done my HW b4 i started i'll keep a log of my next grow, hopefully I wont get tea bagged lol I want the bush not them balls lol but hey I appreciate the help and sarcasm yall a trip! Happy Smokin!!!

LOL, Yeah man, I was just messing with ya. I couldn't help myself, after reading that you got 8 males and 0 females. Damn, that's some shitty Anyway, I was just kidding about giving up. Hell, I'd feel bad if ya listened to my sarcasm, and actually did. Every new grower needs to experience that satisfaction you get from raising a lady from seed, even if it takes 100 seeds to do It's quite pleasurable, so don't take my BS seriously, and even consider giving up. Best of luck next time around, with getting a lady. Judging by your past record, it sounds like you might need it. :wink:


Nahh its ok Jaw im not the type to take everything seriouse, you guys are here helping me and passing on what yall learned and I know it sucked i was like damnnn lol but I still have a shit load of seeds ext. I have a whole lot of work to do in my closet, would anyone know if a peltier connected to the back of a tote will damage it, I dont feel right adding 2 litre bottles of frozen water in my resevuor. Well my friends its been a pleasure I will send a link to those whom gave me advice or who will like to learn from my mistakes lol first thing dont rush, get everything you need then start haha oh shit its 420 lol time to gooooooooooo :joint:


Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised, their are alot of dickheads on here that just troll looking for fights and then are also alot who get horribly offended over nothing and make it a fight, and next we have the know it alls who are always right no matter what, science and facts dont matter to them, then youve got your newbie bashing types who will point out any mistake and criticize you for them and for you not knowing everything yet or asking what to them is an obvious question. If you hang out here some more youll start to see them. oh, i forgot a type-the newb who thinks he knows it all when he obviously doesnt and gets mad when you try to nicely correct them.
True that man...I hate it when people are wrong about something, but they won't man up and admit they're wrong! It's fucking ridiculous! lol...haha

@edd1718...IDRK about the should work?