sexing in veg


I haxe 4 plants in veg now for about 8 weeks. I'm going to flower soon but was wondering. All 4 are same strain same nutes same everything but 2 are DEF female and the other 2 I cant tell yet. I know they will tell me what they are in flower but what are the chances the 2 that arnt showing sex yet are male .


Active Member
can u posts sum pics,

if its stats u want then its 50/50, if u plant 4 plants then the chances are ytou guna get 2 females but not allways the case u could be really lucky and get 4 females.
best bet is to get feminised seeds.

males are usually the first to show sex so if u sure u gt 2 females then the others shud av allready shown to be male.

post sum pics if u can to try varify ur results


i did read some were that if u take a clone and put it under 1212 lights it will show sex but not positvie plus iv not even grown eany thing yet still buying gear so iam more of a newb then ull be


bud bootlegger
i did read some were that if u take a clone and put it under 1212 lights it will show sex but not positvie plus iv not even grown eany thing yet still buying gear so iam more of a newb then ull be

this is true.. alot of people do this, but since you have yours vegged so long already, i wouldn't do this.. it is also true that males usually sex first, so the fact that the other two having shown sex on your maybe a good sign, and they may as well turn out to be females too..
best of luck...