Sexing problem


Active Member
i have too plant showing both signs of female and male flower but they are putting off the same amount of bud so I don't really know what to do with them....any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
Some strains show those and it is not sacs forming. I have some cheese down now that does that. Freaked me out but all girls.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Looks like a hermie to me. Those pollen sacks will open and give you seeds. But they will be feminized if you use them next year...Ive used a buddies hermie seeds for a while now and every one has grown into a female with no hermies...something to consider.

*and if you don't want seeds,but want to keep the plants try and pluck off the pollen sacks/flowers as soon as they start to dangle.