It's 100% can brush pollen onto a bud. BUT the male does have to be separated from the female before the male opens its pollen sacs. Males Tend to grow faster, and taller than females. That way they can get above the female making pollination easier. FDD2blk has a great thread in the advanced section on seeding plants. at about 1 month you will see the male producing a little tear drop in the crotch of the fan leaves. wait a week, and if there are no hairs popping out of that "spade shaped" Tear drop, i is a male, and time to separate. you dont need as strong of light to flower a male, a 100 wat incandesant bulb will do it. To collect the pollen, (no fans in the room ever where you keep the boy) gently cut off the little pollen sacks and place hem in a babyfood jar. Seal the jar an keep in the dark a few days, then open the jar and bust the pollensacs. Take a small paint brush and dip it in the jar, tap off any excess, and "paint " your female bud that you want to grow seeds. Its that simple!