Shadowgrower's Journal. Pics+Vids 400 watt HPS

Hey guys, Shadowgrower again! Finally figuring out all the forums around here... If you wanna check out what I have going on, stop by here(click)-------> From now on, all updates will be posted here! Leave any comments you have.

Onto the grow. I have 4 100 watt cfls going inside of a 16''16''16 box. The cups stand about 41/2 inches tall and the lights come down about 7 inchs leaving just over 5 inches of space for the babies to grow before they reach their sun and burn to deattttthhh... I have them raised up just a few inches on books right now, just because the CFLs aren't very hot, I will move them further away as they get taller. I will be switching to a 400 watt HPS in about 7 weeks. I will put up pics of the 400 room in a week or two when its all done. Currently the light is hung and the mylar is on the walls.

Stop by for a guided VIDEO tour of my box! Comments Welcome! Sorry to be excited about my grow, but its hard not sharing it with anyone I know!!