She has been flowing for a week and a few days, How does it look please comment!!

Do you think I shoulde transplant her now??? I just watered her this morning I do see some roots coming out of the main drainage hole, but she seem perfectly fine. I just dont want any problems it all. take a look at the pot and will transplanting her put alot of strain on her???

alan whittington

Active Member
HighMasterlow, most people go buy this, for every foot of growth a gallon of room. so if you do some quick measuring and see how big your pots are, the usual most ideal size for flower i've seen for more people is 3 gallon indoor and 5 gallon out door. there are things to help with the roots, so that it would go into shock when you transplant them.. uhm.. those girls are looking fine otherwise for a week and.. 3-4 days. you're getting your pre flowers but only just barely. if you could update with picks by week 3 that would show us how those girls are really doing. as far as i can tell, no deficiencies nice and green Ladies. what are your strains, your current growth paraments and such! i'm going to sub and see how this turns out


Well-Known Member
Ya should have transplanted alot earlier Bro.She looks good though,would have been a sweet SCROG.Oh yeah take your cuttings now to allow more light penetration.


Well-Known Member
It looks great.

You can transplant, but if you water less than once every 4 days I wouldn't bother.
If you water more often - go ahead.

You can get good results with this size of pot with most strains.
A bigger pot will promote better growth, and so buds, but due to the transplanting the plant will stretch more.