she's still alive!


Active Member
she stopped growing in may 1st pic. some people on here said it was flowering to early needed to take off top 2/3rd. ialso moved it to more sun. 2nd pic is 7/22 looking better. third pic is 8/22 looking g:-P:bigjoint:d. had some blueish hairs yesterday. well she keep growing tell oct? no nutes so far any advice:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I like ready to use organic fertilizers. Something that I don't have to apply every week, don't need to pH, and don't really have to mess with.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Never listen to anyone telling you to remove the top 2/3 of anything. Unless you're fimming. Leave her alone now. She'll try to do her thing and finish despite your help and not because of it.