shit, my plant got topped


Active Member
growin outdoors. some asshole creature (deer, rabbit?) strait up made lunch outa the top of 1 of my plants. The bottom looks fine still. whats gonna happen 2 it? will it get taller still?


Well-Known Member
You're plant basically just got topped. If it's still in veg mode (which it should be if you're growing it outdoors) it will heal up and start to get really bushy and not get as tall as it could be.


Active Member
has any one topped a plant and two extra sets of branches grew out of where u topped it now iv got 4 sets of branches at the top


Well-Known Member
Hey nature might have helped you out! Deer don't like smells and scary stuff pee around your grow and hang some cd's from fish line.


Well-Known Member
your plant should be fine. lots of people top plants on purpose. some do by accident, i had a light fall on one of my plants and top it.. its was ok. i also had my pot tip over on a plant i had LST'd and it half ripped a limb off, i mended it as well as i could and it barely missed a beat. still budding fine. my friend had a plant outdoors that got its stem ate through at the bottom, he stuck it back in the ground and it re rooted.. my point is just that the cannabis plant is VERY resiliant, VERY tough. you will be fine



Active Member
Topping your plant will give it two top colas. I topped a plant four times once. The colas weren't as big as a single cola but it bushed out and I was happy with the results. There are many ways to keep pests away from your grow site. I would put fox urine around your plant (or you could just urinate around the plant yourself) that will keep animals away. Spreading human hair around the site will help too. I hear that putting garlic in the soil around the plant keeps all kinds of pests away.


Well-Known Member
Plants are almost always happy with a good topping. I only top them twice to avoid making my colas too small thought. Just continue doing what you've been doing and they'll be fine.


Active Member
Hey, I have 9 plants which were transplanted about a month or so late, and they have not grown very high, no more than about over a foot for the 5 in the buckets, and the 4 in the ground are almost a foot tall...

All in all all the plants, together probably had around an eighth to a quarter of an ounce, well last night I had topped the plants, and I realized that I took way too much of the buds off of the top, and now each plants has rougly about a nickel bag...

Will my plant bush out enough, and will the buds regenerate in the 2 months it has left to bud? What can I do to fix this problem, and get my plant to bud bigger, better, and fuller?!?!

Thanks for any help!!!

P.S. I was thinking of cloning, but there isn't enough bud to even take off the plants nemore! It might also, be too late for this to work... This is an outdoors grow, and I do not have the means of money or the equipment to re-abilatate the plants inside of my house..



Well-Known Member
You're supposed to top the plant while it's still in vegetative mode, meaning there shouldn't be any buds on the plant. While it's in vegetative mode it can handle that kind of stress because all the plant is using its resources for is growing. What you did, topping it in flowering mode (when it's budding), will put the plant into severe shock since the plant is using most of its resources to make buds and not grow.

Don't ever top the plant during flowering. You screwed up this time. Learning experience. Your plants might start to turn hermaphrodite and produce seeds in the buds since you stressed it like this during flowering. If it does, just use the seeds from this grow and start another.